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Kết quả tìm cho từ Dīpaṅkara
Concise Pali-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera
dīpaṅkara:[adj.] one who lights a lamp; name of the former Buddha.
Buddhist Dictionary of Pali Proper Names by G P Malalasekera
Dīpankara:The first of the twenty-four Buddhas.
He was born in Rammavatī,
his father being King Sudeva (v.l.Sumedha) and
his mother Sumedhā.
For ten thousand years he lived in the household,in three palaces,Hamsā,Koñcā and Mayūrā.
His wife was Padumā and his son Usabhakkhandha (Samavatakkhandha).
He left home on an elephant and practised austerities for ten months.
His Bodhi-tree was the Pipphalī and grass for his seat was given by an ājīvaka named Sunanda.
His first sermon was preached at Nandārāma (Sunandārāma) at Sirighara,where he converted the heretics.
He had three great gatherings of his followers.
He was always attended by eighty-four thousand arahants,and his body was eighty cubits in height.
He died at Nandārāma at the age of one hundred thousand years and his thūpa was thirty-six yojanas high.
Sumangala and Tissa were his chief monks,
Nandā and Sunandā his chief nuns,while
Sāgata (v.l.Nanda) was his constant attendant.
Tapassu and Bhallika were his chief lay patrons among men and Sirimā and Sonā among women.
It was during the time of Dīpankara Buddha that the ascetic Sumedha (q.v.),who later became Gotama - Buddha,first declared his intention of becoming an aspirant for Enlightenment (a Bodhisatta).
After Dīpankara’s death,his doctrine lasted for one hundred thousand years.Bu.ii.207ff; BuA.104f; J.i.29; Mhv.i.5; Dpv.iii.31; DhA.i.69; but see Mtu.i.193ff.,where the details differ from those given here.