Kết quả tìm cho từ Deva
deva:chư thiên,vị trời,vị chư thiên
DEVA:[m] chư Thiên,trời,mây mưa,ông vua --kaññā [f] tiên nữ --kāya [m] một nhóm chư Thiên --kumāra [m] hoàng tử --kusuma [nt] cây đinh hương --gaṇa [m] một toán chư Thiên --cārikā [f] đi trên hư không (hay trên trời) --ccharā [f] nữ thần,mỹ nhân --ññatara [a] chư Thiên bậc thấp --ṭṭhāna [nt] một đền thờ chư Thiên --ttabhāva [m] thân hình của chư Thiên --dattika,datiya [a] chư Thiên ban cho --dun,dubhi [f] sấm sét --dūta sứ mạng chư Thiên --deva [m] chư Thiên của hạng chư Thiên --dhamma [m] đức hạnh chư Thiên (sợ tội lỗi) --dhītu [f] nữ thần còn tơ --nagara [nt] cảnh chư Thiên --nikāya [a] một phái chư Thiên --purisā aṣự hội họp của chư Thiên (Thần Tiên hội) --putta [m] Thiên tử (con của chư Thiên) --pura [nt] cung trời --bhavana [nt] chỗ ở của chư Thiên Yāna [nt] con đường về Trời,xe đi về Trời --rāja [m] chúa chư Thiên (vua cõi Trời) --rukkha [m] một thần --rūpa [nt] hình ảnh chư Thiên --loka [m] cõi Trời --vimāna [nt] đền đài ở cung Trời
Deva,[Ved.deva,Idg.*deịā to shine (see dibba & diva),orig.adj.*deiǔos belonging to the sky,cp.Av.daēvō (demon.),Lat.deus,Lith.dë̃vas; Ohg.&slashedZ;īo; Ags.Tīg,Gen.Tīwes (=Tuesday); Oir.dia (god).The popular etymology refers it to the root div in the sense of playing,sporting or amusing oneself:dibbanti ti devā,pañcahi kāmaguṇehi kīḷanti attano vā siriyā jotantī ti attho KhA 123] a god,a divine being; usually in pl.devā the gods.As title attributed to any superhuman being or beings regarded to be in certain respects above the human level.Thus primarily (see 1a) used of the first of the next-world devas,Sakka,then also of subordinate deities,demons & spirits (devaññatarā some kind of deity; snake-demons:nāgas,tree-gods:rukkhadevatā etc.).Also title of the king (3).Always implying splendour (cp.above etym.) & mobility,beauty,goodness & light,& as such opposed to the dark powers of mischief & destruction (asurā:Titans; petā:miserable ghosts; nerayikā sattā:beings in Niraya).A double position (dark & light) is occupied by Yama,the god of the Dead (see Yama & below 1 c).Always implying also a kinship and continuity of life with humanity and other beings; all devas have been man and may again become men (cp.D.I,17 sq.; S.III,85),hence “gods” is not a coincident term.All devas are themselves in saṁsāra,needing salvation.Many are found worshipping saints (Th.I,627--9; Th.II,365).-- The collective appellations differ; there are var.groups of divine beings,which in their totality (cp.tāvatiṁsa) include some or most of the well-known Vedic deities.Thus some collect.designations are devā sa-indakā (the gods,including Indra or with their ruler at their head:D.II,208; S.III,90,A.V,325),sa-pajāpatikā (S.III,90),sa-mārakā (see deva-manussaloka),sa-brahmakā (S.III,90).See below 1 b.Lists of popular gods are to be found,e.g.at D.II,253; III,194.-- A current distinction dating from the latest books in the canon is that into 3 classes,viz.sammuti-devā (conventional gods,gods in the public opinion,i.e.kings & princes J.I,132; DA.I,174),visuddhi° (beings divine by purity,i.e.of great religious merit or attainment like Arahants & Buddhas),& upapatti° (being born divine,i.e.in a heavenly state as one of the gatis,like bhumma-devā etc.).This division in detail at Nd2 307; Vbh.422; KhA 123; VvA.18.Under the 3rd category (upapatti°) seven groups are enumerated in the foll.order:Cātummahārājikā devā,Tāvatiṁsā d.(with Sakka as chief),Yāmā d.,Tusitā d.,Nimmānaratī d.,Paranimmita-vasavattī d.,Bṛahmakāyikā d.Thus at D.I,216 sq.; A.I,210,332 sq.; Nd2 307; cp.S.I,133 & J.I,48.See also devatā.
1.good etc.-- (a) sg.a god,a deity or divine being,M.I,71 (d.vā Māro vā Brahmā vā); S.IV,180=A.IV,461 (devo vā bhavissāmi devaññataro vā ti:I shall become a god or some one or other of the (subordinate gods,angels); Sn.1024 (ko nu devo vā Brahmā vā Indo vāpi Sujampati); Dh.105 (+gandhabba,Māra,Brahmā); A.II,91,92 (puggalo devo hoti devaparivāro etc.); PvA.16 (yakkho vā devo vā).-- (b) pl.devā gods.These inhabit the 26 devalokas one of which is under the rule of Sakka,as is implied by his appellation S. devānaṁ indo (his opponent is Vepacitti Asur-indo S.I,222) S.I,216 sq.; IV,101,269; A.I,144; Sn.346; PvA.22 etc.-- Var.kinds are e.g.appamāṇ’--ābhā (opp.Paritt’ābhā) M.III,147; ābhassarā D.I,17; Dh.200; khiḍḍāpadosikā D.I,19; gandhabba-kāyikā S.III,250 sq.; cattāro mahārājikā S.V,409,423; Jat I.48; Pv IV.111; PvA.17,272; naradevā tidasā S.I,5; bhummā PvA.5; manāpa-kāyikā A.IV,265 sq.; mano-padosikā D.I,20; valāhaka-kāyikā S.III,254.-- Var.attributes of the Devas are e.g.āyuppamāṇā A.I,267; II,126 sq.; IV,252 sq.; dīghāyukā S.III,86; A.II,33; rūpino manomayā M.I,410,etc.etc.-- See further in general:D.I,54 (satta devā); II,14,157,208; S.V,475=A.I,37; Sn.258 (+manussā),310 (id.); 404,679; Dh.30,56,94,230,366; Ps.I,83 sq.; II,149; Vbh.86,395,412 sq.; Nett 23; Sdhp.240.-- (c) deva=Yama see deva-dūta (expld at J.I,139:devo ti maccu).-- atideva a pre-eminent god,god above gods (Ep.of the Buddha) Nd2 307; DhsA.2 etc.; see under cpds.-- 2.the sky,but only in its rainy aspect,i.e.rain-cloud,rainy sky,rain-god (cp.Jupiter Pluvius; K.S.I.40,n.2 on Pajjunna,a Catumahārājika),usually in phrase deve vassante (when it rains etc.),or devo vassati (it rains) D.I,74 (:devo ti megho DA.I,218); S.I,65,154 (cp.It.66 megha); Sn.18,30; J.V,201; DhA.II,58,82; PvA.139.devo ekam ekam phusāyati the cloud rains drop by drop,i.e.lightly S.I,104 sq.,154,184; IV,289.-- thulla-phusitake deve vassante when the sky was shedding big drops of rain S.III,141; V,396; A.I,243; II,140; V,114; Vism.259.-- vigata-valāhake deve when the rain-clouds have passed S.I,65; M.II,34,42.-- 3.king,usually in Voc.deva,king! Vin.I,272; III,43; A.II,57; J.I,150,307; PvA.4,74 etc.
devī (f.) 1.goddess,of Petīs,Yakkhiṇīs etc.; see etym.expl.at VvA.18.-- Pv.II,112; Vv 13 etc.-- 2.queen Vin.I,82 (Rahulamātā),272; D.II,14; A.II,57,202 (Mallikā) J.I,50 (Māyā); III,188; PvA.19,75.
--accharā a divine Apsarā,a heavenly joy-maiden Vism.531; PvA.46,279; --aññatara,in phrase devo vā d.vā,a god or one of the retinue of a god S.IV,180= A.IV,461; PvA.16; --âtideva god of gods,i.e.divine beyond all divinities,a super-deva,of Buddha Nd2 307 & on Sn.1134; J.IV,158=DhA.I,147; Vv 6427; VvA.18; Miln.241,258,368,384 & passim; cp.M Vastu I.106,257,283,291; --attabhāva a divine condition,state of a god PvA.14; --ânubhāva divine majesty or power D.II,12; M.III,120; J.I,59; --āsana a seat in heaven It.76; --âsurasaṅgāma the fight between the Gods & the Titans D.II,285; S.I,222; IV,201; V,447; M.I,253; A IV:432 (at all passages in identical phrase); --iddhi divine power Vv 313; VvA.7; --isi a divine Seer Sn.1116; Nd2 310; --ûpapatti rebirth among the gods PvA.6; --orohaṇa descent of the gods DhA.III,443; --kaññā a celestial maiden,a nymph S.I,200; J.I,61; VvA.37,78; --kāya a particular group of gods S.I,200; It.77; Th.2,31; --kuñjara “elephant of the gods,” of Indra J.V,158; --kumāra son of a god (cp.°putta) J.III,391; --gaṇa a troop of gods J.I,203; DhA.III,441; --gaha a temple,chapel Vin.III,43; --cārikā a visit to the gods,journeying in the devaloka VvA.3,7,165 etc.; --ṭṭhāna heavenly seat J.III,55; a temple,sacred place Miln.91,330; --dattika given or granted by a god,extraordinary PvA.145; --dattiya=°dattika J.III,37; DhA.I,278; --dāruka a species of pine J.V,420; --dundubhi the celestial drum,i.e.thunder D.I,10; Miln.178; DA.I,95; --dūta the god’s (i.e.Yama’s see above 1°) messenger A.I,138,142; M.II,75; III,179; J.I,138; DhA.I,85 (tayo d.); Mhbv.122 (°suttanta); --deva “the god of gods,” Ep.of the Buddha (cp.devâtideva) Th.1,533,1278 (of Kappāyana); DhsA.1; PvA.140; --dhamma that which is divine or a god A.III,277 (°ika); DhA.III,74; --dhītā a female deva or angel (cp.devaputta),lit.daughter of a god J.II,57; VvA.137,153 (with ref.to Vimānapetīs); --nagara the city of the Devas,heaven J.I,168,202; DhA.I,280; --nikāya a class,community or group of gods,celestial state or condition D.II,261 (sixty enumd); S.IV,180; M.I,102 sq.; A.I,63 sq.; II,185; III,249 sq.; IV,55; V,18; --pañha questioning a god,using an oracle D.I,11 (=DA.I,97:devadāsiyā sarīre devataṁ otāretvā pañha-pucchanaṁ); --parivāra a retinue of gods A.II,91; --parisā the assembly of gods A.II,185; Tikp 241.--putta “son of a god,” a demi-god,a ministering god (cp.f.deva-dhītā),usually of Yakkhas,but also appld to the 4 archangels having charge of the higher world of the Yāmā devā (viz.Suyāma devaputta); the Tusitā d.(Santusita d.); the Nimmānaratī d.(Sunimmita d.); & the Paranimmitavasavattī d.(Vasavattī d.) D.I,217 sq.; cp.J.I,48.-- D.II,12,14; S.I,46 sq.; 216 sq.; IV,280; A.I,278; It.76; J.I,59 (jarā-jajjara); IV,100 (Dhamma d.); VI,239 (Java d.); PvA.6,9,55,92,113 (Yakkho ti devaputto); Miln.23; --pura the city of the gods,heaven S.IV,202; Vv 6430 (=Sudassana-mahānagara VvA.285); J.IV,143; --bhava celestial existence PvA.167; --bhoga the wealth of the gods PvA.97; --manussā (pl.) gods & men D.I,46,62≈,99 (°mānuse); M.II,38,55; Sn.14 (sa°),236 (°pūjita),521; It.80 (°seṭṭhā); Kh VIII,10; KhA 196; PvA.17,31,117; --°loka the world of gods and men.It comprises (1) the world of gods proper (Devas,i.e.Sakka,Māra & Brahmā; corresp.to sammuti-devā,see above); (2) samaṇas & brāhmaṇas (cp.visuddhi-devā); (3) gods & men under the human aspect (gati,cp.upapatti-devā):Sn.1047,1063; expl.at Nd2 309 & (with diff.interpretations) DA.I,174 sq.; --yāna leading to the (world of) the gods,i.e.the road to heaven Sn.139,also in °yāniya (magga) D.I,215; --rājā king of the devas,viz.Sakka Nd1 177; J.III,392 (=devinda); DhA.III,441; PvA.62; --rūpa divine appearance or form PvA.92; --loka the particular sphere of any devas,the seat of the devas,heaven; there exist 26 such spheres or heavens (see loka); when 2 are mentioned it refers to Sakka’s & Brahma’s heavens.A seat in a devaloka is in saṁsāra attained by extraordinary merit:Dh.177; J.I,202,203; IV,273; ThA.74; KhA 228; PvA.5,9,21,66,81,89; Vism.415,etc.; --vimāna the palace of a deva J.I,58; VvA.173; --saṅkhalikā a magic chain J.II,128; V,92,94; --sadda heavenly sound or talk among the devas It.75 (three such sounds).(Page 329)
deva:[m.] 1.a deity; 2.the sky; 3.a rain cloud; 4.a king.
deva,(lit:the Radiant Ones; related to Lat.deus):heavenly beings,deities,celestials,are beings who live in happy worlds,and who,as a rule,are invisible to the human eye.They are subject,however,just like all human and other beings,to ever-repeated rebirth,old age and death,and thus are not freed from the cycle of existence and from misery.There are many classes of heavenly beings.
I.The 6 classes of heavenly beings of the sensuous sphere (kāmāvacara or kāma-loka; s.avacara loka),are Cātumahārājika-deva,Tāvatiṃsa,Yāma,Tusita (s.Bodhisatta),Nimmāna-rati,Paranimmita-vasavatti.Cf.anussati.(6).
II.The heavenly beings of the fine-material sphere (rūpāvacara or rūpaloka) are:
1.Brahma-pārisajja,Brahma-purohita,Mahā-brahmāno (s.brahma-kāyika-deva).Amongst these 3 classes will be reborn those with a weak,medium or full experience of the 1st absorption (jhāna,q.v.).
2.Parittābha,Appamānābha,Ābhassara.Here will be reborn those with experience of the 2nd absorption.
3.Paritta-subha,Appamāna-subha,Subha-kiṇṇa (or kiṇha).Here will be reborn those with experience of the 3rd absorption.
4.Vehapphala,Asañña-satta (q.v.),Suddhāvāsa (q.v.; further s.Anāgāmi).Amongst the first 2 classes will be reborn those with experience of the 4th absorption,but amongst the 3rd class only Anāgāmis (q.v.).
III.The 4 grades of heavenly beings of the immaterial sphere (arūpāvacara or arūpa-loka) are:the heavenly beings of the sphere of unbounded space (ākāsānañcāyatanūpaga-devā),of unbounded consciousness (viññāṇañcāyatanūpaga-deva),of nothingness (ākiñcaññāyatanūpaga devā),of neither-perception-nor- non-perception (nevasaññā-nāsaññāyatanūpaga-devā).Here will be reborn those with experience of the 4 immaterial spheres (arūpāyatana; s.jhāna 5-8).
See Gods and the Universe by Francis Story (WHEEL 180/181).
Devā:1.Devā.-A class of beings.
As a title the word Devā is attributed to any being regarded,in certain respects,as being above the human level.Thus it is used for a king.In a late classification (CNid.307; KhA.123,etc.) there are three kinds of Devā:
sammutidevā (conventional gods - e.g.,kings and princes); visuddhidevā (beings who are divine by the purity of their great religious merit - arahants and Buddhas); uppattidevā (beings who are born divine).Under the third category various groups are enumerated,the commonest number being seven:
Cātummahārājikā, Tāvatimsā, Yāmā, Tusitā, Nimmānaratī, Paranimmita-vasavattī Brahmakāyikā (E.g.,D.i.216; A.i.210,etc.).
The longest list is that of the Majjhima Nikāya (i.289; iii.100.The Divyāvadāna p.266 contains a list of twenty-two),which contains the names of twenty-five groups.
The popular etymology of the word connects it with the root div in the sense of playing,sporting,or amusing oneself,sometimes also of shining:dibbantī ti devā,pañcahi kāmagunehi kīlanti,attano vā siriyā jotantī ti attho (KhA.123).The word implies possession of splendour and power of moving at will,beauty,goodness and effulgence of body,and,as such,is opposed to the dark powers of mischief and destruction - such as the Asuras,Petas and Nerayikas.
The Devās are generally regarded as sharing kinship and continuity of life with humans; all Devās have been men and may again be born among men.They take interest in the doings of men,especially the Cātummahārājikā and the gods of Tāvatimsa.They come to earth to worship the Buddha and to show reverence to good men.Sakka (q.v.) is usually spoken of as chief of the gods - devānam indo.
All Devās are themselves in samsāra,needing salvation.They are subject to death,their life-spans varying according to the merit of each individual deva.They are born in the full flower of youth and are free from illness till the moment of their death.Devas die from one of the following causes:exhaustion of life,merit or food; failing,through forgetfulness,to eat; and jealousy at the glory of another,which leads to anger.(DhA.l.173; for other particulars regarding devas see the article in the NPD).
When a deva is about to die five signs appear on him:
his clothes get soiled, flowers worn by him fade, sweat exudes from his armpits, his body loses its colour and he becomes restless on his seat.DA.ii.427f; DhSA,33,etc.
2.Devā.-Daughter of Udaya I.and wife of Mahinda,son of the ādipāda Dāthāsiva.
3.Devā.-Daughter of Dappula II.and wife of Kittaggabodhi.Cv.xlix.71.
4.Devā.-Wife of Kassapa V.and mother of Sakkasenāpati.She built,for the monks living in the wilderness,a vihāra called after herself,and adorned the Buddha-image at Maricavatti.Cv.lii.52,61,64ff.
1.Devā or Vatapada Sutta.-The seven rules of conduct observed by Sakka,whereby he obtained celestial sovereignty.S.i.227.
2.Devā Sutta.-Explains the various names of Sakka-Magha,Purindada,Vāsava,Sahassakkha,Sujampati and Devānam-inda.S.i.228.
3.Devā Sutta.-Mahāli visits the Buddha at the Kūtāgārasālā and asks if he has seen Sakka.The Buddha answers that he has and that he knows many things about Sakka.He then repeats what is given in Nos.1 and 2 above.S.i.229.
Deva:1.Deva.-Aggasāvaka of Sujāta Buddha.He was a chaplain’s son,and the Buddha’s first sermon was addressed to him and his friend Sudassana (J.i.38; BuA.168,170).He is also called Sudeva (Bu.xiii.25).
2.Deva.-A devaputta,son of Virūpakkha and brother of Kālakanni (J.iii.261).
3.Deva.-A monk,resident in Kappukagāma (v.l.Kambugāma).Vohārikatissa heard him preach and restored for him five buildings (Mhv.xxxvi.29; Dpv.xxii.41).
This may be the Thera whom Sanghatissa heard preaching the Andhakavinda Sutta.The king,being very pleased with him,set up an offering of gruel to the monks of the Mahāvihāra (Dpv.xxii 50).
4.Deva.-A thera of Ceylon at whose request Upasena wrote the Mahā Niddesa Commentary (MNidA.i.1).
5.Deva.-See also Maliya(Malaya-)-deva and Mahādeva.
6.Deva.-A Thera of Ceylon,who,according to the Gandhavamsa (Gv.p.63),wrote the Sumanakūtavannanā.This work is,however,generally ascribed to Vedeha (P.L.C.223f; Svd.1263).
7.Deva.-Senāpati of Kittisirimegha.He was stationed at Badalatthalī,and accompanied Ratnāvalī when he took the young Parakkamabāhu to Kittisirimegha.Cv.xxvii.82.
8.Deva.-Lankādhināyaka.A general of Gajabāhu II.Cv.lxx.104,324.
9.Deva.-A general of Parakkamabāhu I.He took part in the campaigns against Gajabāhu,and later was sent to his rescue in Pulatthipura.Deva was imprisoned there,and Parakkamabāhu sent housebreakers to release him,after which he was despatched with an army to Gangātatāka,where he defeated Mānābharana.At Hedillakhandagāma he defeated Mahinda.The last we hear of him is that he fell into his enemy’s power at a village called Surulla.Parakkamabāhu went to rescue him,but had to abandon the effort.It is possible that he was ransomed and became Lankāpura.(See below.) Cv.lxx.123,153-7,245,285,300,316; lxxii.45,75,82,122,137f.
10.Deva.-A general of Parakkamabāhu I.,called Lankāpura,probably identical with 9.He fought against Sūkarabhātu,and later took part in the Sinhalese expedition to South India and fought in fierce battles at Tirippāluru and Rājinā,capturing the latter place.Cv.lxxv.130; lxxvi.250,310,324,326.
11.Deva.-A minister of āyasmanta.He was sent to erect a vihāra at Valligāma.Cv.lxxx.38.
12.Deva.-A setthi of Vedisagiri.His daughter Devī was married to Asoka,who met her while staying at her father’s house on his way to Ujjeni.MT.324; Sp.i.70.
13.Deva.A minister of Devagāma.He once gave food to a starving dog.He was reborn in the same village,and later entered the Order at Pupphavāsa Vihāra.During the Brāhmanatiya famine a tree deity looked after him for twelve years.Once men looking for food wished to kill him,but he was saved by his luck.He became an arahant,and the deity looked after him for twelve years more.Ras.ii.13f.
[ေဒဝ+ဏ=အ။ အမရ၊၄။၂၈။ (ဒဲဝ-သံ)]
[divu+ṇa+.mūlaṭī,3.165.visuddhi,ṭī,1.7.,ṭī.47-8.nīti,dhā.22va-1.thī-nitea devāç devī.(debha-prā)]
[ဒိဝု+ဏ+။မူလဋီ၊၃။၁၆၅။ဝိသုဒၶိ၊ဋီ၊၁။၇။ဓာန္၊ဋီ။၄၇-၈။နီတိ၊ဓာ။၂၂ဝ-၁။ ထီ-၌ ေဒဝါ,ေဒဝီ။ (ေဒဘ-ျပာ)]
deva:m.[〃] 天,神,王,皇帝,陛下.f.devī.-ātideva 天中天.-ānubhāva 天的威力.-āsana 神的座.-ālaya 天神堂.-asura-saṅgāma 天跟阿修羅之戰.-isi 天仙.-kaññā 天女.-kāya 天身,天族.-kula 天祠.-gaha 神的家,天祠.-dattiya 天授的.-dundubhi 天鼓.-dūta 天使.-deva 天中天.-dhamma 天法.-nikāya 天眾,天群.-pañha 對神的質問.-pada 天道.-parivāra 天的眷屬.-parisā 天眾.-putta 天子.-pura 天宮.-yāna 天乘,天車.-rājan 天王.-loka 天界.-vata 天務.-sadda 天聲.
deva:ေဒဝ (ပ) (√ဒိဝ္+ဏ)
နတ္။ မိုး။ မင္းႀကီး။
ဝိဂေတ ေဒေဝ၊ မိုးစဲလတ္ေသာ္။
deva:ေဒဝ (န)
ေကာင္း မေကာင္းအဖို႔ရွိေသာ ကံ။
ဘူ = ေဒဝေန-ငိုေႂကြးျခင္း၌၊ ဝါ-ကစားေပ်ာ္ျမဴးျခင္း၌။ ေဒဝတိ။
[ေဒဝ+ဏ=အ။ အမရ၊၄။၂၈။ (ဒဲဝ-သံ)]
(၁) ေရွးကံေဟာင္း။ (တိ) (၂) နတ္ႏွင့္တူေသာ၊ သူ။ (၁) ဒိ႒ိ-(၁ဝ)-ၾကည့္။ ေဒဝဒူတ-(၂)-လည္းၾကည့္။
[ဒိဝု+ဏ+။မူလဋီ၊၃။၁၆၅။ဝိသုဒၶိ၊ဋီ၊၁။၇။ဓာန္၊ဋီ။၄၇-၈။နီတိ၊ဓာ။၂၂ဝ-၁။ ထီ-၌ ေဒဝါ,ေဒဝီ။ (ေဒဘ-ျပာ)]
နတ္၊ (၁) သမၼဳတိနတ္၊ (က) မင္း။ (ခ) မိဖုရား။ (ဂ) မင္းသား။ (ဃ) မင္းသမီး။ (၂) ဥပပတၱိနတ္၊ (က) ကာမာဝစရနတ္။ (ခ) ထင္ရွားေသာနတ္။ (ဂ) ျဗဟၼာ။ (ဃ) အသုရာ။ (၃) ဝိသုဒၶိနတ္၊ (က) ဘုရားရွင္။ ေဒဝေဒဝ,ေဒဝါတိေဒဝ-တို႔လည္းၾကည့္။ (ခ) ပေစၥကဗုဒၶါ။ (ဂ) ေသာတာပတၱိဖလ႒ာန္ပုဂၢိဳလ္။ (ဃ) သကဒါဂါမိဖလ႒ာန္ပုဂၢိဳလ္။ (င) အနာဂါမိဖလ႒ာန္ပုဂၢိဳလ္။ (စ) အရဟတၱဖလ႒ာန္ပုဂၢိဳလ္၊ ရဟႏၲာ။ (၄) နတ္ျပည္။ ေဒဝဟာနိယ-လည္းၾကည့္။ (၅) ျဗဟၼာ့ျပည္။ ေဒဝစာရိကေကာလာဟလ-လည္းၾကည့္။ (၆) ေကာင္းကင္။ (၇) မိုး၊ မိုးတိမ္။ (၈) မိုးေရ။ ေဒဝကတေသာဗ႓-ၾကည့္။ (၉) ေသမင္း။ ေဒဝဒူတ-(၁)-လည္းၾကည့္။ (၁ဝ) ယမမင္း၊ ေဝမာနိကၿပိတၱာမင္း။ (၁၁) အရွင္၊ သခင္၊ အစိုးရသူ။ (၁၂) ကေလး၊ သူငယ္။ (၁၃) ဟသၤာငွက္ငယ္။ (၁၄) ပုဏၰား။ (တိ) (၁၅) နတ္၌ ျဖစ္ေသာ (ဂတိ-စသည္)။ (၁၆) ကိုးကြယ္-ဆည္းကပ္-အပ္ေသာ၊ သူ။ (၁၇) ျမတ္ေသာ။ ေဒဝဝဏၰီ-ၾကည့္။ (၁၈) ေဒဝ-အမည္ရွိေသာ။ ေဒဝေတၳရ-ၾကည့္။ (၁၉) ေဒဝ-သဒၵါ။ ေဒဝဂၢဟဏ-ၾကည့္။
Deva,【阳】1.神,2.天空,3.雨云,4.国王。devakaññā,【阴】天女。devakāya,【阳】天众,一群神。devakumāra,【阳】神的王子。devakusuma,【中】丁香。devagaṇa,【阳】一组神。devacārikā,【阴】天堂的旅程。devaccharā,【阴】女神,天女。devatara,【形】次等神。devaṭṭhāna,【中】天祠,神庙。devattabhāva,【阳】神的情况,神身。devadattika,devadattiya,【形】神授的。devadundubhi,【阴】雷。devadūta,【阳】天讯(神的报信者)。devadeva,【阳】神中神(神的神)。devadhamma,【阳】天法(天神的德行),怕犯罪。devadhītu,【阴】少女神。devanagara,【中】天城(天神的城市)。devanara,【中】天人(SA.9.6./I,293.︰Naradevānanti devanarānaṁ.诸天人)。devanikāya,【阳】天神的团体。devaparisā,【阴】天神的集会。devaputta,【阳】神的儿子。devapura,【中】天神的城市。devabhavana,【中】神的住所。devayāna,【中】去天堂的路径,飞艇。devarāja,【阳】天王,神王。devarukkha,【阳】天树。devarūpa,【中】神像。devaloka,【阳】天堂,天界。devavimāna,【形】天上的大厦。aññataraṁ devanikāyaṁ uppajjati﹐生为天众中之一(《中阿含经》译作:生余意生天)。SA.35.135.:devaloke ca ekantasukhasamappitattā ekantakhiḍḍārativasena uppannapamādena maggabrahmacariyavāsaṁ vasituṁ na sakkā.(天世间一向是受乐,一向是享乐,生起放逸之心,那是不可能安住於修道、修梵行。)
Deva,【阳】 1.神,2.天空,3.雨云,4.国王。 ~kaññā,【阴】 天女。 ~kāya,【阳】 一群神。 ~kumāra,【阳】 神的王子。 ~kusuma,【中】 丁香。 ~gaṇa,【阳】 一组神。 ~cārikā,【 阴】 天堂的旅程。 ~ccharā,【 阴】 女神。 ~ññatara,【形】 次等神。 ~ṭṭhāna,【中】 神庙。 ~ttabhāva,【阳】 神的情况,神身。 ~dattika,~dattiya,【形】 神授的。 ~dundubhi,【阴】 雷。 ~dūta,【阳】 天讯(神的报信者)。 ~deva,【阳】 神中神(神的神)。 ~dhamma,【阳】 天法(神的德行),怕犯罪。 ~dhītu,【阴】 少女神。 ~nagara,【中】天城(神的城市)。 ~nikāya,【阳】 神的团体。 ~parisā,【阴】 神的集会。 ~putta,【阳】 神的儿子。 ~pura,【中】 天的城市。 ~bhavana,【中】神的住所。 ~yāna,【中】 去天堂的路径,飞艇。 ~rāja,【阳】 天王,神王。 ~rukkha,【阳】 天树。 ~rūpa,【中】 神像。 ~loka,【阳】 天堂。 ~vimāna,【形】 天上的大厦。(p160)
deva:m.[〃] 天,神,王,天皇,陛下.f.devī.-ātideva 天中天.-ānubhāva 天の威力.-āsana 神の座.-ālaya 天神堂.-asura-saṅgāma 天と阿修羅の戦.-isi 天仙.-kaññā天女.-kāya天身,天族.-kula天祠.-gaha 神の家,天祠.-cārika天上游行.-dattiya 天授の.-dundubhi 天鼓.-dundubhissara天鼓鸣音.-dūta 天使.-deva 天中天.-dhamma 天法.-nikāya 天衆,天群.-pañha 神への質問.-pada 天道.-parivāra 天の眷属.-parisā天衆.-putta天子.-pura 天宮.-yāna 天乗,天車.-rājan 天王.-loka 天界.-vata 天務.-sadda天声
deva:m.[〃] 天,神,王,天皇,陛下.f.devī.-ātideva 天中天.-ānubhāva 天の威力.-āsana 神の座.-ālaya 天神堂.-asura-saṅgāma 天と阿修羅の戦.-isi 天仙.-kaññā天女.-kāya天身,天族.-kula天祠.-gaha 神の家,天祠.-dattiya 天授の· -dundubhi 天鼓.-dūta 天使.-deva 天中天.-dhamma 天法.-nikāya 天衆,天群.-pañha 神への質問.-pada 天道.-parivāra 天の眷属.-parisā天衆.-putta天子.-pura 天宮.-yāna 天乗,天車.-rājan 天王.-loka 天界.-vata 天務.-sadda天声.