Kết quả tìm cho từ Haṭṭha
HAṬṬHA:(pp của haṃusati) vui thích,an vui,lởm chởm --tuṭṭha [a] đầy sự vui vẻ --loma [a] lông dựng đứng
HATTHA:[m] cánh tay,tay cầm,một hắc --ka [m] vật giống bàn tay [adj] có tay --kamma [nt] thủ công --gata [a] được hưởng của cải --gahaṇa [nt] --gāha [m] níu,bám bằng tay --cchinna [a] bị chặt tay --ccheda [m] --chedana [nt] chặt tay --tala [nt] lòng bàn tay --pasāraṇa [nt] giăng tay ra --pāsa [m] chiều dài bàn tay --vaṭṭaka [m] gọng xe,xe kéo bằng tay --vikāra [m] sự cử động cánh tay --sāra [m] vật quí giá nhất --āpalekhana [a] liếm tay sau khi ăn --ābharaṇa [nt] chiếc vòng tay
hattha:cánh tay chữ này còn có nghĩa là một khuỷu tay,chữ cũ chư tăng nam tông việt nam vẫn gọi là hắc tay,tức chiều dài từ cùi chỏ ra đến đầu ngón tay giữa đây là một trong những đơn vị đo chiều dài thường thấy trong luật tạng pāli
Haṭṭha,[pp.of haṁsati] 1.bristling,standing on end M.I,83; Dāvs.V,64; lomahaṭṭhajāta (cp.°loma) with bristling hairs,excited D.II,240; Sn.p.14.-- 2.joyful,happy Vin.I,15; Sn.1017; J.I,31,335; II,32; often combd with either tuṭṭha (e.g.J.VI,427; PvA.113),or pahaṭṭha (DhA.III,292).(Page 727)
Hattha,[fr.hṛ, cp.Vedic hasta] 1.hand D.I,124; A.I,47; Sn.610; J.VI,40.-- forearm Vin.IV,221; of animals S.V,148; J.I,149; °pāda hand and foot M.I,523; A.I,47; J.II,117; PvA.241; DhA.IV,7.sahassa° thousand-armed Mhvs 30,75; pañca° having five hands J.V,425; J.V,431 (mukhassa ceva catunnaṁ ca caranāṇaṁ vasena etaṁ vuttaṁ); kata° a practised hand,practised (of an archer) S.I,62; A.II,48; J.IV,211.-- hatthe karoti to bring under one’s hand,to take possession of,to subdue J.VI,490; hatthaṁ gacchati to come under somebody’s hand,to come under the sway of J.I,179; hatthaga being in the power of; hatthagata fallen into the hand or possession of,hatthappatta what one can put one’s hand on,i.e.“before his very eyes” Vin.I,15.As °hattha in hand,--handed; e.g.daṇḍa° stick in hand J.I,59; ritta° empty-handed Sdhp.309; vīṇā° lute in hand Mhvs 30,75.Cp.sa° with one’s own hand.‹-› 2.the hand as measure,a cubit J.I,34,233 (asīti°,q.v.); Mhvs 38,52; Vism.92 (nava° sāṭaka).-- 3.a handful,a tuft (of hair) VvA.197.
--aṅguli finger PvA.124 (+pādaṅguli toe).--aṭṭhika hand-bone KhA 49.--antara a cubit Vism.124.--âpalekhana licking the hands (to clean them after eating -- cp.the 52nd Sekhiya Vin.IV,198) D.I,166; III,40; M.I,77,238,307; A.I,295 (v.l.°āva°); Pug.55.--ābharaṇa bracelet Vin.II,106.--âbhijappana (nt.) incantations to make a man throw up his hands D.I,11; DA.I,97.--âlaṅkāra a (wrist) bracelet,wristlet VvA.167.--kacchapaka making a hollow hand J.III,505.--kamma manual work,craft,workmanship,labour J.I,220; DhA.I,98,395; IV,64.--gata received,come into the possession of J.I,446; II,94,105; VvA.149; (nt.) possession J.VI,392.--gahaṇa seizing by the hand Vin.IV,220.--cchinna whose hand is cut off M.I,523; Miln.5.--ccheda cutting off the hand J.I,155 (read sugatiyā va hatthacchedādi).--cchedana=°cheda J.IV,192; DhA.III,482.--tala palm of the hand VvA.7.--ttha [cp.Sk.hasta-stha,of sthā] lit.standing in the hand of somebody,being in somebody’s power (cp.hattha-gata); used as abstr.hatthattha (nt.) power,captivity,°ṁ gacchati & āgacchati to come into the power of (Gen.),to be at the mercy of [cp.hattha-gata & hatthaṁ gacchati] J.II,383 (āyanti hatthatthaṁ); IV,420,459; V,346 (°ṁ āgata).As pp.hatth-attha-gata in somebody’s power J.I,244; III,204; VI,582.An abstr.is further formed fr.hatthattha as hatthatthatā J.V,349 (°taṁ gata).The BSk.equivalent is hastatvaṁ MVastu II.182.--pajjotikā hand-illumination,scorching of the hand (by holding it in a torch),a kind of punishment M.I,87; A.I,47; II,122; Miln.197; Nd1 154.--patāpaka a coal-pan,heating of the hand Vv 3332; VvA.147; see mandāmukhi. --pasāraṇa stretching out one’s hand Vism.569.--pāsa the side of the hand,vicinity Vin.IV,221,230.--bandha a bracelet D.I,7; DA.I,89.--vaṭṭaka hand-cart Vin.II,276.--vikāra motion of the hand J.IV,491.--sāra hand-wealth,movable property DhA.I,240; J.I,114; DA.I,216.(Page 728)
haṭṭha,(pp.of haṃsati),was joyful; was happy; bristling.
hattha:[m.] the hand; a handle; a cubit.
Hatthā:One of the chief lay women supporters of Padumuttara Buddha.Bu.xi.26.
Hattha,【阳】 轸宿(二十七星宿之一)。(p355)
hattha:ဟတၳ (ပ)
လက္။ ႏွာေမာင္း။ တစ္ေတာင္အတိုင္းအရွည္။
Hattha,(fr.hr,cp.Vedic hasta),【阳】手,柄,腕尺(等於手肘至指尖的距离或两个张手,1肘=46~56 cm)。hatthaka,【阳】像手的东西。【形】有手的。hatthakacchapaka,造作空手状(making a hollow hand J.III.505.)。hatthakamma,【中】手工(manual work,craft,workmanship,labour.J I.220; DhA I.98,395; IV.64.)。hatthaga,掌权(being in the power of)。hatthagata,【形】取得的(到手的)。hatthagahaṇa,【中】hatthagāha,【阳】抓在手中,抓著。hatthacchinna,【形】断手的。hatthaccheda,【阳】hatthachedana(=hatthacchedana),【中】切断手。hatthaṅguli,手指(finger PvA.124 (pādaṅguli,脚趾toe))。hatthaṭṭhika,手骨(hand-bone KhA.49.)。hatthantara,腕尺(a cubit,古时一种量度,自肘至中指端,长约18-22英寸Vism 124.)。hatthatala,【中】手掌。hatthatthagata(hatth-attha-gata),在掌控中(in somebody’s power J I.244; III.204; VI.582.)。hatthapajjotikā,烧烤手(hand-illumination,scorching of the hand (by holding it in a torch),a kind of punishment M I.87; A I.47; II.122; Miln 197; Nd1 154.)。hatthapatāpaka,烧煤盘(a coal-pan,heating of the hand Vv 3332; VvA 147; see mandāmukhī煤斗)。hatthabandha,手镯(a bracelet D I.7; DA I.89.)。hatthapasāraṇa,【中】伸出手。hatthapāda,手足。hatthapāsa,【阳】手的长度(the side of the hand,vicinity Vin IV.221,230。古译为「伸手所及处」。等於两个半肘尺(hattha)的长度,一个肘尺长等於手肘至指尖的距离或两个指距。当僧团在举行任何羯磨法时,比丘们彼此之间的距离必须在一手臂距离之内,如果超过该距离的话,僧团所举行的羯磨法则无效。)。hatthasāra,动产(hand-wealth,movable property DhA I.240; J I.114; DA I.216.)。hatthavaṭṭaka,【阳】手推车(hand-cart Vin.II.276.)。hatthavikāra,【阳】手移动、手的运动。hatthasāra,【阳】最有价值的事物。hatthapalekhana,【形】(食后)舔手的(licking the hands (to clean them after eating,cp.the 52nd Sekhiya Vin IV.198))。hatthahattha,在手头上(in hand)。hatthābharaṇa,【中】手镯、臂钏(bracelet Vin II.106.)。hatthālaṅkāra,手镯、臂钏(a (wrist) bracelet,wristlet VvA.167.)。sahassahattha,千手(thousand-armedm.Mhvs.30,75); pañcahattha,五只手(having five hands J.V.425; J.V.431)。katahattha,使用的手,弓箭手(a practised hand,practised (of an archer))。hatthappatta,放在手中(what one can put one’s hand on,i.e.“before his very eyes” Vin I.15.)。 hatthābhijappana,【中】以咒语把人举起(incantations to make a man throw up his hands D.I,11; DA.I,97.)。daṇḍahattha,棍在手(stick in hand J I.59)。rittahattha,空手(empty-handed Sdhp 309)。vīṇāhattha,琵琶在手(lute in hand Mhvs.30,75.)。sahattha,用自己的手(with one’s own hand)。hatthaṁ gacchati & āgacchati,权力在望、权力在握(to come into the power of (āyanti hatthatthaṁ) )。hatthe karoti,以手携带、拥有(to bring under one’s hand,to take possession of,to subdue J VI.490.)。hatthaṁ gacchati,握权(to come under somebody’s hand,to come under the sway of J I.179)。
Hattha,【阳】 手,柄,〈圣经〉腕尺(古时的长度单位)。 ~ka,【阳】 像手的东西。 【形】 有手的。 ~kamma,【中】 手工。 ~gata,【形】 取得的(到手的)。 ~gahaṇa,【 中】 ~gāha,【 阳】 抓在手中,抓着。 ~cchinna,【形】 断手的。 ~ccheda,【阳】 ~chedana,【中】 切断手。 ~tala,【中】手掌。 ~pasāraṇa,【中】 伸出手。 ~pāsa,【阳】 手的长度。 ~vaṭṭaka,【阳】 手推车。 ~vikāra,【阳】 手的运动。 ~sāra,【阳】 最有价值的事物。 ~apalekhana,【形】 食后舔手的。 ~ābharaṇa,【中】 手镯。(p355)
haṭṭha:a.[Sk.hṛṣṭa<hṛṣ haṃsati 的 pp..或者hasati has 的 pp.] 使人(身毛)竪立; 感到十分歡喜,得意洋洋的.
hattha:m.[<hṛ Sk.hasta] 手,手掌; 肘 [長さの単位,24 指節 aṅgula-pabba 1/4 尋 vyāma] -āpalekhana 手をなめること.-ābharaṇa 腕環.-ūpaga 手飾.-kukkucca 手による不行儀.-gahaṇa 手を捉る.-cchinna 手が切断された者.-niddhunaka 手を振る.-nillehaka 手をなめる.-pajjotaka 燭手刑.-padacchinna 手足切断者.-pāsa 投石の及ぶ 所.-bandha 手甲,腕環.-muddā 手印.-yogin 手瑜伽者.-vaṭṭaka 手押車.
hattha:m.[<hṛ Sk.hasta] 手,手掌; 肘 [長度的単位(尋),24 指節 aṅgula-pabba 1/4 尋 vyāma] -āpalekhana 舐手.-ābharaṇa 腕環.-ūpaga 手飾.-kukkucca 手不行儀.-gahaṇa 用手捉.-cchinna 手被切断者.-niddhunaka 搖手.-nillehaka 舐手.-pajjotaka 燭手刑.-padacchinna 手足切断者.-pāsa 投石所及處.-bandha 手甲,腕環.-muddā 手印.-yogin 手瑜伽者.-vaṭṭaka 手押車.
haṭṭha:ဟ႒ (တိ) (တီ-ကိတ္) (√ဟံသ္+တ)
ရႊင္လန္း ဝမ္းေျမာက္သည္။ ရႊင္လန္း ႏွစ္သက္သည္။
Haṭṭha,(haṁsati 的【过分】),1.已毛发竖立(bristling,standing on end)。2.已欢喜,已快乐(joyful,happy)。haṭṭhatuṭṭha,【形】充满欢笑的。haṭṭhaloma,【形】毛发竖立的。lomahaṭṭhajāta,毛发竖立(with bristling hairs,excited)。
Haṭṭha,(haŋsati 的【过分】),1.已欢喜,已快乐。 2.已毛发竖立。~tuṭṭha,【形】 充满欢笑的。 ~loma,【形】 毛发竖立的。(p355)
haṭṭha:a.[Sk.hṛṣṭa<hṛṣ haṃsati の pp.または hasati has の pp.] (身毛)竪立せる; 大いに喜べる,有頂天の.