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Kết quả tìm cho từ Kambala
Pali Viet Dictionary - Bản dịch của ngài Bửu Chơn
KAMBALA:[nt] đồ vật bằng len,cái mền --balī [f] người mặc bộ đồ bằng len --līya [nt] y phục bằng len
Pali Viet Vinaya Terms - Từ điển các thuật ngữ về luật do tỳ khưu Giác Nguyên sưu tầm
kambala:hán dịch là mao chức y,chỉ chung các loại chăn mền bằng len tỳ khưu được phép dùng
PTS Pali-English dictionary - The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary
Kambala,(m.,nt.) [cp.Sk.kambala] 1.woollen stuff,woollen blanket or garment.From J.IV,353 it appears that it was a product of the north,probably Nepal (cp.J.P.T.S.1889,203); enumd as one of the 6 kinds of cīvaras,together w.koseyya & kappāsika at Vin.I,58=96,also at A.IV,394 (s.°sukhuma); freq.preceded by ratta (e.g.DA.I,40.Cp.also ambara2 and ambala),which shows that it was commonly dyed red; also as paṇḍu Sn.689; Bdhd 1.-- Some woollen garments (aḍḍhakāsika) were not allowed for Bhikkhus:Vin.I,281; II,174; see further J.I,43,178,322; IV,138; Miln.17,88,105; DhA.I,226; II,89 sq.2.a garment:two kinds of hair‹-› (blankets,i.e.) garments viz.kesa° and vāla° mentioned Vin.I,305=D.I,167=A.I,240,295.-- 3.woollen thread Vin.I,190 (expld by uṇṇā) (cp.Vin.Texts II.23); J.VI,340; -- 4.a tribe of Nāgas J.VI,165.
--kañcuka a (red) woollen covering thrown over a temple,as an ornament Mhvs 34,74; --kūṭâgāra a bamboo structure covered with (red) woollen cloth,used as funeral pile DhA.I,69; --pādukā woollen slippers Vin.I,190; --puñja a heap of blankets J.I,149; --maddana dyeing the rug Vin.I,254 (cp.Vin.Texts II.154); --ratana a precious rug of wool J.IV,138; Miln.17 (16 ft.long & 18 ft.wide); --vaṇṇa (adj.) of the colour of woollen fabric,i.e.red J.V,359 (°maṁsa); --silāsana (paṇḍu°) a stone-seat,covered with a white k.blanket,forming the throne of Sakka DhA.I,17; --sukhuma fine,delicate woollen stuff D.II,188=A.IV,394; Miln.105; --sutta a woollen thread J.VI,340.(Page 189)
Concise Pali-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera
kambala:[nt.] woollen stuff; a blanket.
Buddhist Dictionary of Pali Proper Names by G P Malalasekera
Kambala:A tribe of Nāgas.They were present at the Mahāsamaya (D.ii.258),and are mentioned with the Assataras as living at the foot of Sineru (J.vi.165).