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Kết quả tìm cho từ Kapaṇa
Pali Viet Dictionary - Bản dịch của ngài Bửu Chơn
KAPAṆA:[a] nghèo,khốn khổ,không có nghĩa gì [m] người ăn xin
PTS Pali-English dictionary - The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary
Kapaṇa,(adj.n.) [Sk.kṛpaṇa from kṛp wail,cp.Lat.crepo; Ags.hraefn=E.raven.Cp.also Sk.kṛcchra] -- 1.poor,miserable,wretched; a beggar; freq.expld by varāka,duggata,dīna and daḷidda; very often classed with low-caste people,as caṇḍālā Pv.III,113 & pesakārā (Ud.4).Sn.818; J.I,312,321; III,199; Pv.II,914; III,113,IV.52; DA.I,298; DhA.I,233; ThA.178.-- 2.small,short,insignificant A.I,213; Bdhd 84.(f.) °ā a miserable woman J.IV,285; --°an (adv.) pitifully,piteously,with verbs of weeping,etc.J.III,295; V,499; VI,143; a° not poor J.III,199; --ati° very miserable Pgdp 74.Der.°tā wretchedness Sdhp.315.
--addhikā pl.often with °ādi,which means samaṇabrāhmaṇa-k°-vaṇibbaka-yācakā (e.g.D.I,137; PvA.78) beggars and wayfarers,tramps J.I,6,262,DhA.I,105,188 (written k°-andhika); see also DA.I,298 and kapaṇikā; --iddhikā pl.(probably miswriting for °addh°,cp.Trenckner,J.P.T.S.1908,130) D.I,137; It.65; DA.I,298; --itthī a poor woman J.III,448; --jīvikā in °aṁ kappeti to make a poor livelihood J.I,312; --bhāva the state of being miserable PvA.274; --manussa a wretched fellow,a beggar Vism.343; --laddhaka obtained in pain,said of children J.VI,150,cp.kiccha laddhaka; --visikhā the street or quarter of the poor,the slums Ud.4; --vuttin leading a poor life PvA.175.(Page 186)
Concise Pali-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera