Kết quả tìm cho từ Karaṇa
kāraṇa:cách làm,cách thức,phương pháp,cách thức
KĀRAṆA:[nt] lý do,nguyên nhân --nā abl do phương cách của,xuyên qua,bởi,kim kāranā [f] tại sao vậy?
KĀRAṆĀ:[f] tra tấn,hình phạt --ṇika [m] người tra tấn
KARAṆA:[nt] làm,sản xuất --attha [m] trong sự giúp đỡ --vibhatti [f] trường hợp dùng làm phương tiện
Kāraṇa,(nt.) [in meaning 1 represented in later Sk.by kāraṇā f.,in meaning 2=Sk.kāraṇa nt.,equivalent to prakṛti,natural form,constituent,reason,cause].1.--(a) a deed,action,performance,esp.an act imposed or inflicted upon somebody by a higher authority (by the king as representative of justice or by kamma:M.III,181; see kamma 11 3.A b.) as an ordeal,a feat or punishment:a labour or task in the sense of the 12 labours of Heracles or the labours of Hades.kāraṇaṁ kārāpeti “he makes somebody perform the task.” Pass,kāraṇaṁ or kāraṇā karīyati.Thus as a set of five tasks or purgatory obligations under the name of pañcavidha-bandhana “the group of five” (not,as Warren trsl.p.257 “inflict on him the torture called the fivefold pinion”),a means of punishment in Niraya (q.v.under pañca).Not primarily torture (Rh.Davids,Miln.trsl.I.254,and others with wrong derivation from kṛṇtati).At DhA.III,70 these punishments are comprehended under the term dasa-dukkhakāraṇāni (the ten punishments in misery); the meaning “punishment” also at J.IV,87 (tantarajjukaṁ k°ṁ katvā),whereas at J.VI,416 k.is directly paraphrased by “maraṇa,” as much as “killing.” Often spelt karaṇa,q.v.; the spelling kāraṇā (as f.) at Miln.185 seems to be a later spelling for kāraṇaṁ.See karaṇa for further reference.-- Kiṁ kāraṇaṁ ajja kāressati “what task will he impose on me to-day?” A.V,324; as pañcavidhabandhana K° A.I,141,PvA.251,Nd2 304III, -- As adj.°kāraṇa in dāruṇa° “being obliged to go through the dreadful trial” PvA.221.-- (b) duty obligation,in kāraṇ’âkāraṇā (pl.) duties great and small DhA.I,385.Cp.also kāraṇaṁ karoti to try M.I,444.-- (c) a trick (i.e.a duty imposed by a higher authority through training) J.II,325 (ānañja°); Miln.201 (ākāsa-gamana°).2.-- (a) acting,action as (material) cause:k°-bhūta being the cause of ...PvA.15;--(b) (intellectual) cause,reason Miln.150; DhA.I,389; esp.as --°:arodana° the reason for not crying PvA.63; asocana° same,ibid.62; āgamana° the reason for coming (here) ibid.81,106.=pariyatti,DhA.36.=attha,SA on I.215,SnA.I.238--Instr.kāraṇena by necessity,needs PvA.195; tena k° therefore ibid.40 -- Abl.kāranā by means of,through,by (=hetu or nissāya) PvA.27; imasmā k° therefore PvA.40; kāraṇaṭṭhā (expl.as attha-kāraṇā Nd2) for the purpose of some object or advantage Sn.75; opp.nikkāraṇā from unselfishness ibid.-sakāraṇa (adj.) with good reason (of vacana) PvA.109.(Page 210)
Karaṇa,[fr.kṛ,cp.Vedic karaṇa] 1.adj.(f.ī) (-°) doing,making,causing,producing; as cakkhu° ñāṇa° (leading to clear knowledge) S.IV,331; V,97; It.83; and acakkhu° etc.S.V,97; nāthā °ā dhammā A.V,23 (cp.V.89) and thera° A.II,22; dubbaṇṇa° S.V,217; see also D.I,245; M.I.15; S.V,96,115; A.IV,94; V,268; Miln.289.‹-› 2.(nt.) (-°) the making,producing of; the doing,performance of (=kamma),as bali° offering of food =bali kamma) PvA.81; gabbha° Sn.927; pānujja° Sn.256.3.(abs.) (a) the doing up,preparing J.V,400,VI,270 (of a building:the construction) (b) the doing,performance of,as pāṇâtipātassa k° and ak° (“commission and omission”); DhA.I,214; means of action J.III,92.(c) ttg.the instrumental case (with or without °vacana) PvA.33; VvA.25,53,162,174.--°atthe in the sense of,with the meaning of the instrumental case J.III,98; V,444; PvA.35; VvA.304; DhsA.48; Kacc 157.-- 4.(-°) state,condition; in noun-abstract function= °ttaṁ (cp.kamma I.2) as nānā° (=nānattaṁ) difference M.II,128; S.IV,294; Bdhd 94; kasi° ploughing PvA.66; kattabba° (=kattabbattaṁ) “what is to be done,” i.e.duty PvA.30; pūjā° veneration PvA.30.sakkāra° reverence,devotion SnA 284.
Note:in massu° and kamma° some grammarians have tried to derive k° from a root kṛ,to hurt,cut,torture (see Morris J.P.T.S.1893,15),which is however quite unnecessary [see kamma 3 A (b),kataII 1 (b)].Karaṇa here stands for kamma,as clearly indicated by semantic grounds as well as by J.VI,270 where it explains kappita-kesa-massu,and J.V,309 & DhA.I,253 where massukamma takes the place of °karaṇa,and J.III,314,where it is represented by massu-kutti (C.:massukiriya).Cp.also DA.I,137.a° Negative in all meanings of the positive,i.e.the non-performing J.I,131; V,222; Nett 81; PvA.59; DhsA.127; non-undertaking (of business) J.I,229; noncommission M.I,93; abstaining from Dhs.299.Cpd.--uttariya (nt.) angry rejoinder,vehement defence DhA.I,44.(Page 196)
kāraṇa,(nt.),reason; cause.kāraṇā (abl.) by means of; through; by.(f.),torture; bodily punishment.
karaṇa:[nt.] 1.doing; making; 2.production.
kāraṇā:On account of,for the sake of
kāraṇā: kāraṇā(thī)
kāraṇa: kāraṇa(thī,na)
karaṇa: karaṇa(pu,na)
Kāraṇā,【阴】 拷问,体罚。kāraṇika,【阳】 处罚者。(p100)
kāraṇa:ကာရဏ (န)
ျပဳေစေသာ အမႈ။ အေၾကာင္း။
တံ ကာရဏံ ဒိသြာ၊ ထိုအေၾကာင္းကို ျမင္၍။ ဣမိနာ ကာရေဏန၊ ဤအေၾကာင္းျဖင့္။ ကႎ ကာရဏာ၊ အဘယ္အေၾကာင္းေၾကာင့္နည္း။ကာေရတိ
kāraṇa:ကာရဏ (ထီ၊န)
(၁) ညႇဉ္းပန္းႏွိပ္စက္ျခင္း။ (န) (၂) အေၾကာင္း၊ နိမိတ္။ (၃) သင့္ေလ်ာ္ျခင္း။
Kāraṇa,【中】理由(原因),因素。kāraṇā,【离】经由,通过,由。kiṁ kāraṇā = 为什么?
kāraṇā:ကာရဏာ (ထီ)
ညႇဉ္းဆဲျခင္း၊ ႏွိပ္စက္ျခင္း။ ကမၼကာရဏ-(၁)-ၾကည့္။
kāraṇā:ကာရဏာ (ဣ)
ညႇဥ္းပန္းျခင္း။ ညႇဥ္းဆဲျခင္း။ ႏွိပ္စက္႐ိုက္ႏွက္ျခင္း။
karaṇa:n.[〃] 作的事(the doing),造作之事物,所作(the making),推行,進行,作格(動作的行為者).(instr.) f.karaṇī.
Kāraṇa,【中】 理由,因素。kāraṇā,【来】 经由,通过,由。kiŋ kāraṇā =为什么?(p100)
Kāraṇa:n.[〃] ① 因,原因,根拠.② 懲罰,懲治,刑罰.③作,所作,能作
kāraṇa:n.[〃] ① 因,原因,根拠.② 懲罰,懲治,刑罰.
kāraṇa:n.[〃] ① 因,原因,根據.② 懲罰,懲治,刑罰.
karāna:[= karamāna] karoti の ppr.
karaṇa:ကရဏ (န) (√ကရ္+ယု)
ျပဳျခင္း။ အမႈ။ အေၾကာင္း။ အကၡရာတို႔၏ ျဖစ္ရာအေၾကာင္း။ က႐ိုဏ္း။
က႐ိုဏ္းေလးပါးကား - ဇိဝွါမဇၩ။ ဇိေဝွါပဂၢ။ ဇိဝွဂၢ။ သက႒ာန။
karaṇa:ကရဏ (ပု၊န)
(ပု) (၁) ကရဏလူမ်ိဳး၊ ေရာႁပြမ္းေသာ လူမ်ိဳး၊ ကျပားမ်ိဳး။ (န) (၂) ျပဳျခင္း၊ ျပဳလုပ္ျခင္း။ (က) ဉတ္တန္႔ျခင္း၊ ဉတ္ထားျခင္း။ (ခ) ျဖစ္ေစျခင္း။ (၃) မေကာင္းမႈ။ (၄) ကရဏကာရက၊ က႐ိုဏ္း။ (၅) လယ္။ (၆) အေၾကာင္း။ (၇) က႐ိုဏ္း။ (၈) ခႏၶာကိုယ္။ (၉) ဣေႁႏၵ။ (၁ဝ) ေရစစ္။ (တိ) (၁၁) ျပဳတတ္ေသာ။ (၁၂) ျပဳအပ္ေသာ။ (၁၃) ျပဳရာျဖစ္ေသာ။
Karaṇa,karaṇa-,-karaṇa,(kar(梵kr)做,cp.Vedic karaṇa),【形】做,制作,生产(doing,making,causing,producing)。【阴】Karaṇī。karaṇattha,【阳】就某种意义来说。karaṇavibhatti,【阴】工具格(语法)。cakkhukaraṇa, ñāṇakaraṇa,导致明智(leading to clear knowledge)。
Karaṇa,【中】 1.做,制作。2.产品。 ~attha,【阳】就某种意义来说。 ~vibhatti,【阴】 工具格(语法)。(p96)
karaṇa:n.[〃] 作すこと,なすもの,所作.遂行,作格(instr.) f.karaṇī.