Kết quả tìm cho từ Lakkhaṇa
LAKKHAṆA:[nt] dấu hiệu,đặc tính,khả năng,dấu hiệu đoán trước --pāthaka [3] người thông thạo về đoán điềm,dấu hiệu gì --sampatti [f] sự có đầy đủ tướng tốt --sampanna [a] được ban cho đầy đủ điều lành
Lakkhaṇa,(nt.) [Vedic lakṣman nt.sign; adj.lakṣmaṇa; later Sk.lakṣmaṇa nt.In the defn of grammarians syn.with aṅka brand,e.g.Dhtp 536 “aṅka lakkhaṇe lakkha dassane,” or Dhtm 748 “lakkha=dassanaaṅke”; cp.J.I,451 lakkhaṇena aṅketi to brand.‹-› The Sk.Np.Lakṣmaṇa appears also in Prk.as Lakkhaṇa:Pischel,Prk.Gr.§ 312] 1.sign,characteristic,mark; esp.a sign as implying something extraordinary or pointing to the future,therefore a prognosticative mark (cp.talisman),a distinguishing mark or salient feature,property,quality (as Rh.D.in Dial.I.19 somewhat lengthily,after Bdhgh,trsls lakkhaṇa by “signs of good & bad qualities in the foll.things and of the marks in them denoting the health or luck of their owners”) D.I,9 (a long list,as forbidden practice of fortune-telling,like maṇi° from jewels,daṇḍa° from sticks,asi° from marks on swords etc.); Sn.360 (pl.lakkhanā,here as fortune-telling together with supina telling fr.dreams,cp.SnA 362:daṇḍa°,vattha° etc.referring to D.I,9),927 (with Āthabbana,supina & nakkhatta,all kinds of secret sciences; expld at SnA 564 as “maṇi-lakkhaṇâdi”) 1018 (gottaṁ brūhi sa° “with its distinguishing marks”); J.VI,364 (sign of beauty); Miln.171 (yathāva° just characterization); Mhvs 35,109 (itthi° auspicious signs in women); PvA.161,219; SnA 386.A long enumn of all sorts of (perfect) marks (tatha-lakkhaṇāni) is found at DA.I,62 sq.Cp.tādi-lakkhaṇa marks of such (a being),with ref.to good luck etc.J.III,98; SnA 200; VvA.95.-- 2.mark on the body,esp.when serving a def.purpose,e.g.as the branding (of slaves),or the marks of a fortunate being,pointing towards his future greatness:(a) brand J.I,451,cp.cpd.°āhata.-- (b) the (32) marks of a mahā-purisa or a great being,either destined to be a rājā cakkavatti,or a sammā-sambuddha.These are given at Sn.1019 (pl.lakkhanā),1021,1022 as only 3 (viz.mukhaṁ jivhāya chādeti,uṇṇ’assa bhamuk’antare,kos’ohitaṁ vattha-guyhaṁ with ref.to his tongue,the hair between the eyebrows & the sexual organ); more completely as 32 at D.II,16 sq.; III,142 sq.(the Lakkhaṇa Suttanta); referred to at D.I,88,105; J.I,56; Mhvs 5,91; cp.paripuṇṇa-kāya Sn.548 (with expln lakkhaṇehi puṇṇatāya at SnA 452).-- 3.(in spec.sense:) pudendum J.V,197 (subha°,the male member),366.-- 4.(adj.) (--°) having the marks (of),characterized by,of such & such character A.I,102 (kamma°; bāla° & paṇḍita°,together with bāla- & paṇḍitanimitta); Miln.111 (sata-puñña°,of the Buddha); VvA.71 (para-sampatti-usuyyā-lakkhaṇā issā); PvA.17,120.-- 5.(as t.t.in philosophy) specific attribute,characteristic (mark).In contrast to nimitta more a substantial attribute or primary characteristic (cp.VbhA.261).Compared with other terms of definition we get the foll.:rasa essential property,paccupaṭṭhāna recurring phenomenon,padatṭhāna immediate occasion DhsA.63 (trsln Expos.I.84),cp.Cpd.13 (where padaṭṭhāna is trsld as “proximate cause”).-- Ps.I,54 sq.(khandhānaṁ); II,108 (saccānaṁ),VbhA.85,136 (with ref.to the Paṭiccasamuppāda,cp.Vism.528),261 (fourfold,of kesā etc.); Vism.278 (with ref.to kammaṭṭhāna) 351 (4,of the dhātus:thaddha°,ābandhana°,paripācana°,vitthambhana°),363 sq.(id.),495 (ariya-saccānaṁ); VvA.38 (compd with ārammaṇa with ref.to jhāna).-- The 3 properties (tilakkhaṇaṁ) of existing things or of the phenomenal world are anicca,dukkha,anatta,or impermanence,suffering,unreality:thus at J.I,48 (dhamma-desanā ti-l-°muttā),275; III,377 (through contemplating them arises vipassanā & pacceka-bodhi-ñāṇa).-- Abl.lakkhaṇato “by or qua characteristic,” “in its essential qualification,” often found in exegetical analysis in Commentary style combd with var.similar terms (atthato,kamato,nimittato etc.),e.g.Vism.351,363,495,528; VbhA.46,76,83,131,261 (where Vism.351 has paripācana for uṇhatta); SnA 343.-- Cp.upa°,vi°,sa°.--āhata affected with a mark (of punishment or disgrace),branded Vin.I,76; VvA.66.--kusala clever at interpreting bodily marks or at fortune-telling from signs (cp.nemittaka) M.I,220; J.I,272.--kusalatā cleverness at (telling people’s fortune by) signs VvA.138.--paṭiggāhaka one who reads the signs,a soothsayer,wise man J.I,56.--pāṭhaka an expert in (interpreting) signs,fortune-teller J.I,455; II,194; V,211.--manta the secret science of (bodily) marks Sn.690 (but expld at SnA 488 as “lakkhaṇāni ca vedā ca,” thus taking it as Dvandva); DhA.III,194.--sampatti excellency of marks J.I,54.--sampanna endowed with (auspicious) signs Sn.409; J.I,455.
the 3 lakkhaṇas at Sn.1022 refer to the brahmin Bāvari.(Page 578)
lakkhaṇa:[nt.] a sign; mark; characteristic; a prognosticative mark; a quality.
lakkhaṇa:'characteristics'.For the 3 ch.of existence,s.ti-lakkhaṇa.
Lakkhana:1.Lakkhana. Son of Dasaratha and brother of Rāma,Sītā and Bharata.He is identified with Sāriputta.J.iv.130; for details see the Dasaratha Jātaka.
2.Lakkhana.One of the eight brahmins who recognized the auspicious signs at the birth of the Buddha (J.i.56).The Milinda (Mil.236) speaks of him as one of the Buddha’s first teachers.
3.Lakkhana Thera.Mentioned as having stayed with Mahā Moggallāna on Gijjhakūta.Once,when they were going down to Rājagaha for alms,Lakkhana noticed that at a certain spot Moggallāna smiled; on asking him why,he was told to wait till they saw the Buddha.When the question was repeated in the Buddha’s presence,Moggallāna said that he had smiled on seeing various Petas with gruesome forms flying through the air.From the text it would appear that these visions were seen again on several occasions.S.ii.254; Vin.iii.104ff.; the stories of some of the Petas seen and of their past lives are given in detail in DhA.ii.68ff.; iii.60ff.; 410ff.,479.
The Commentary (SA.ii.159) explains that Lakkhana was one of the thousand Jatilas ordained by the Buddha (when he converted the Tebhātika Jatilas).He attained arahantship at the conclusion of the preaching of the ādittapariyāyadesanā.He was called Lakkhana because of his marvellous personality,”like unto Brahmā’s” (brahmasamena).It adds further that Lakkhana’s failure to see the Petas was not because he lacked the divine eye but because he was not giving attention (anāvajjento),as a clairvoyant must.It is said (Vin.iii.105) that when Moggallāna related his vision,some of the monks blamed him for claiming superhuman powers (uttarimanussadhamma),but the Buddha declared him free from blame.
4.Lakkhana.A deer,son of the Bodhisatta,identified with Sāriputta.For his story see the Lakkhana Jātaka.
lakkhaṇa: lakkhaṇa(ti)
[akkhaṇa+ṇa.lakkhaṇaṃ assa atthīti lakkhaṇo.kappadduma.lakpaṇa-saṃ.lakkhaṇa-prā,addhamāgadhī.]
[လကၡဏ+ဏ။ လကၡဏံ အႆ အတၳီတိ လကၡေဏာ။ ကပၸဒၵဳမ။ လကၸဏ-သံ။ လကၡဏ-ျပာ၊ အဒၶမာဂဓီ။]
lakkhaṇa: lakkhaṇa(ti)
[လကၡဏ+ဒိပက။ ေနာက္ပုဒ္ေက်။]
lakkhaṇa: lakkhaṇa(na)
[လကၡဏ+အဘိနိေဝသ။ ေနာက္ပုဒ္ေက်]
lakkhaṇa: lakkhaṇa(na)
[လကၡဏ+ပဋိလာဘ။ ေနာက္ပုဒ္ေက်။]
lakkhaṇa: lakkhaṇa(na)
[လကၡဏ+ကထန။ ေနာက္ပုဒ္ေက်။]
lakkhaṇa: lakkhaṇa(na)
[akkha+yu.nīti,dhātu.283.lakkhīyatīti lakkhaṇaṃ.mahāni,ṭṭha,13va.lakkhīyati etenāti lakkhaṇaṃ.vajira.145.lakkhīyate (lakkhīyati) anenāti lakkhaṇaṃ.kaṅkhā,ṭī,.327.sī,ṭī,,1.37va.sī,ṭī,,2.225.maṇimañjū,1.77.lakkhitabbato lakkhīyati etenāti vā lakkhaṇaṃ.visuddhi,ṭī,2.173.lakkhate anenāti lakkhaṇaṃ.,ṭī,2.173.lakkhate anenāti lakkhaṇaṃ.,ṭī.55.lakkhīyanti etenaç ettha vā ekalakkhaṇā dhammā avuttāpi ekavacanenāti lakkhaṇaṃ.netti,ṭṭha,16.lakpaṇa-saṃ.lakkhaṇa-addhamāgadhī.]
[လကၡ+ယု။ နီတိ၊ ဓာတု။ ၂၈၃။ လကၡီယတီတိ လကၡဏံ။ မဟာနိ၊ ႒၊ ၁၃ဝ။ လကၡီယတိ ဧေတနာတိ လကၡဏံ။ ဝဇိရ။ ၁၄၅။ လကၡီယေတ (လကၡီယတိ) အေနနာတိ လကၡဏံ။ ကခၤါ၊ ဋီ၊ သစ္။ ၃၂၇။ သီ၊ ဋီ၊ သစ္၊ ၁။ ၃၇ဝ။ သီ၊ ဋီ၊ သစ္၊ ၂။ ၂၂၅။ မဏိမၪၨဴ၊ ၁။ ၇၇။ လကၡိတဗၺေတာ လကၡီယတိ ဧေတနာတိ ဝါ လကၡဏံ။ ဝိသုဒၶိ၊ ဋီ၊ ၂။ ၁၇၃။ လကၡေတ အေနနာတိ လကၡဏံ။ ဓာန္၊ ဋီ၊ ၂။ ၁၇၃။ လကၡေတ အေနနာတိ လကၡဏံ။ ဓာန္၊ ဋီ။ ၅၅။ လကၡီယႏၲိ ဧေတန,ဧတၳ ဝါ ဧကလကၡဏာ ဓမၼာ အဝုတၱာပိ ဧကဝစေနနာတိ လကၡဏံ။ ေနတၱိ၊ ႒၊ ၁၆။ လကၸဏ-သံ။ လကၡဏ-အဒၶမာဂဓီ။]
lakkhaṇa: lakkhaṇa(ti)
[လကၡီ+ဏ။ ဤကာရႆအတၳံ။]
lakkhaṇa:n.[Sk.lakṣaṇa] 相,特相,標識,相好,占相,観相,吉凶相,男女相判断.-āyutti-kathā 相問説.-āhata 烙印刑者.-kusala 占相術に巧みなる.-paṭhaka 占相者.-manta 相好呪.-mātikā 相論母.-rūpa 相色.-sampanna 相好具足の.-suñña 相空.
lakkhaṇa:လကၡဏ (န) (√လကၡ္+ယု)
အမွတ္။ အမွတ္အသား။ မွတ္ေၾကာင္း။ မွတ္ေၾကာင္းသေဘာ။ သုတ္။
lakkhaṇa:လကၡဏ (ပ)
က်က္သေရရွိေသာ သူ။
[လကၡီ+ဏ။ ဤကာရႆအတၳံ။]
ၾကက္သေရ-မဂၤလာ-ရွိေသာ၊ သူ။ မူရင္းၾကည့္ပါ။
[လကၡဏ+ဏ။ လကၡဏံ အႆ အတၳီတိ လကၡေဏာ။ ကပၸဒၵဳမ။ လကၸဏ-သံ။ လကၡဏ-ျပာ၊ အဒၶမာဂဓီ။]
(ထီ) (၁) မဒၵီမိဖုရား။ (ပု) (၂) အရွင္လကၡဏေထရ္။ (၃) (ဘုရားေလာင္း၏ လကၡဏာကို ဖတ္ေသာ ပုဏၰားရွစ္ေယာက္တြင္ အပါအဝင္ျဖစ္သည့္) လကၡဏပုဏၰား။ (၄) (လကၡဏဇာတ္လာ) လကၡဏသမင္။ (၅) (ဒသရထမင္း၏သား) လကၡဏမင္းသား။ (န) (၆) လကၡဏာဟတဝတၳဳ။ (၇) လကၡဏာက်မ္း၊ လကၡဏသတၳလည္း-ၾကည့္။ (၈) လကၡဏသံသုတ္။ လကၡဏသံယုတၱ-ၾကည့္။ (၉) လကၡဏသုတ္။ (၁ဝ) လကၡဏမိဂဇာတ္။ (၁၁) လကၡဏာကို ျပတတ္ေသာ (ေဗဒင္)။
[လကၡဏ+ဒိပက။ ေနာက္ပုဒ္ေက်။]
[လကၡဏ+အဘိနိေဝသ။ ေနာက္ပုဒ္ေက်]
(တုတ္ေတာင္ေဝွး စသည္၏ လကၡဏာကို-ႏွလုံးသြင္း-ဆင္ျခင္-ျခင္း)။
[လကၡဏ+ပဋိလာဘ။ ေနာက္ပုဒ္ေက်။]
လကၡဏာေတာ္ကို ရျခင္း။ လကၡဏာနိသံသ-ၾကည့္။
[လကၡဏ+ကထန။ ေနာက္ပုဒ္ေက်။]
[လကၡ+ယု။ နီတိ၊ ဓာတု။ ၂၈၃။ လကၡီယတီတိ လကၡဏံ။ မဟာနိ၊ ႒၊ ၁၃ဝ။ လကၡီယတိ ဧေတနာတိ လကၡဏံ။ ဝဇိရ။ ၁၄၅။ လကၡီယေတ (လကၡီယတိ) အေနနာတိ လကၡဏံ။ ကခၤါ၊ ဋီ၊ သစ္။ ၃၂၇။ သီ၊ ဋီ၊ သစ္၊ ၁။ ၃၇ဝ။ သီ၊ ဋီ၊ သစ္၊ ၂။ ၂၂၅။ မဏိမၪၨဴ၊ ၁။ ၇၇။ လကၡိတဗၺေတာ လကၡီယတိ ဧေတနာတိ ဝါ လကၡဏံ။ ဝိသုဒၶိ၊ ဋီ၊ ၂။ ၁၇၃။ လကၡေတ အေနနာတိ လကၡဏံ။ ဓာန္၊ ဋီ၊ ၂။ ၁၇၃။ လကၡေတ အေနနာတိ လကၡဏံ။ ဓာန္၊ ဋီ။ ၅၅။ လကၡီယႏၲိ ဧေတန,ဧတၳ ဝါ ဧကလကၡဏာ ဓမၼာ အဝုတၱာပိ ဧကဝစေနနာတိ လကၡဏံ။ ေနတၱိ၊ ႒၊ ၁၆။ လကၸဏ-သံ။ လကၡဏ-အဒၶမာဂဓီ။]
(၁) လကၡဏာ၊ မွတ္အပ္-မွတ္ေၾကာင္းျဖစ္-ေသာ-သေဘာ-လကၡဏာ။ (က) အနိစၥစေသာ-သေဘာ-လကၡဏာ။ (ခ) အမ်ားဆိုင္ သာမညလကၡဏာ (႐ုပၸန,နမန စသည္)။ (ဂ) ဝိေသသ-သီးျခား-သေဘာ-လကၡဏာ (ကကၡဠ,ဖုသန စသည္)။ (ဃ) ဥပါဒ္,ဌီ,ဘင္ဟုဆိုအပ္ေသာ လကၡဏာ။ (င) ၾကမ္းတမ္းသည္၏အျဖစ္-အနိစၥ-စေသာ-သေဘာ-လကၡဏာ။ (၂) သိျခင္းငွါ အလိုရွိအပ္ေသာ အမွတ္မရွိေသာ-သေဘာ-လကၡဏာ။ (၃) ျမတ္ေသာ။ (၄) မွတ္သားအပ္ေသာ။ (၅) လကၡဏာ၊ မွတ္-သိ-ေၾကာင္းျဖစ္သည့္-တံဆိပ္-နိမိတ္-သေကၤတ-အမွတ္-လကၡဏာ၊ (က) (ေယာက္က်ား,မိန္းမစသည္တို႔၏) လကၡဏာ။ (ခ) (ဘုရားရွင္၏) လကၡဏာေတာ္ (လကၡဏာေတာ္ႀကီး-၃၂၊ လကၡဏာေတာ္ငယ္-၈ဝ၊ စက္လကၡဏာေတာ္ ၁ဝ၈-ပါး)။ (ဂ) ကုလဒူသကအျဖစ္ဟူေသာ လကၡဏာ။ (ဃ) အမည္း အနီစသည္၏အျဖစ္ဟူေသာ လကၡဏာ။ (၆) ပတၱျမားလကၡဏာ စသည္ (ပတၱျမားလကၡဏာ စသည္ကို ျပတတ္ေသာ က်မ္း)။ (၇) (ကမၼ႒ာန္း၏) သေဘာကို ေကာင္းစြာမွတ္ျခင္း။ (၈) လကၡဏ႐ုပ္ ၄-ခု (ဥပစယ,သႏၲတိ,ဇရတာ,အနိစၥတာ)။ (၉) သုတ္။ (က) သဒၵါက်မ္းလာ သုတ္။ (၁ဝ) သဒၵါက်မ္းလာ-ပုဗၺႀကိယာ-လကၡဏႀကိယာ။ (၁၁) မွတ္ေၾကာင္း (ဣတၳမ႓ဴတ) လကၡဏ။ (၁၂) လကၡဏဟာရေနတၱိနည္း။ မူရင္းၾကည့္ပါ။
Lakkhaṇa,【中】 相,告示,标志,特征,预兆,质量。 ~pāṭhaka,【阳】 占相者(解读征兆的专家)。 ~sampatti,【阴】 相的优点。 ~sampanna,【形】有吉兆的。(p269)
Lakkhaṇa,(‹laks标记、特徵),【中】相,特相,告示,标志,特徵,预兆,特质。lakkhaṇapāṭhaka,【阳】占相者(解读徵兆的专家)。lakkhaṇasampatti,【阴】相的优点。lakkhaṇasampanna,【形】有吉兆的。wrīvatsalaksana,【梵】卍、卐。音译作:室利靺蹉洛刹曩。意译作吉祥海云、吉祥喜旋。DhsA.(CS:p.106):Lakkhaṇādīsu hi tesaṁ tesaṁ dhammānaṁ sabhāvo vā sāmaññaṁ vā lakkhaṇaṁ nāma.(各种诸法的诸相共通的自相,称为‘特相’(particular characteristic)。)