Kết quả tìm cho từ Loka
loka:sự yếu mềm,người yếu mềm,đệ tử ngoại đạo
LOKA:[m] thế giới,dân chúng --gga [3] chúa tể thế giới --nāyaka,--nātha [m] chủ,chúa thế giới --ṅtagū [a] người đã đến,nơi cuối cùng của thế giới vật chất --nta cuối cùng,chấm dứt,tận thế giới --ntara [nt] thế giới khác nhau,khoảng trống từ thế giới này đến thế giới khác,cách khoảng thế giới --nirodha [m] sự tiêu hoại của thế giới --pāla [m] người bảo hộ cho thế giới --vajja [nt] tội lỗi theo thông thường (thế tục) --ādhipacca [nt] sự chinh phục thế giới --vivaraṇa [nt] sự tối tăm hay sự che án của vũ trụ --vohāra [m] nói theo cách thông thường (thế tục) --ānukampā [f] sự thích hợp với thế giới loài người --āyatika [a] người cố chấp về kiến thức của vũ trụ,người đoạn kiến
Loka,[cp.Vedic loka in its oldest meaning “space,open space.” For etym.see rocati.To the etym.feeling of the Pāli hearer loka is closely related in quality to ruppati (as in pop.etym.of rūpa) and rujati.As regards the latter the etym.runs “lujjati kho loko ti vuccati” S.IV,52,cp.Nd2 550,and loka=lujjana DhsA.47,308:see lujjana.The Dhtp 531 gives root lok (loc) in sense of dassana] world,primarily “visible world,” then in general as “space or sphere of creation,” with var.degrees of substantiality.Often (unspecified) in the comprehensive sense of “universe.” Sometimes the term is applied collectively to the creatures inhabiting this or var.other worlds,thus,“man,mankind,people,beings.” -- Loka is not a fixed & def.term.It comprises immateriality as well as materiality and emphasizes either one or the other meaning according to the view applied to the object or category in question.Thus a trsln of “sphere,plane,division,order” interchanges with “world.” Whenever the spatial element prevails we speak of its “regional” meaning as contrasted with “applied” meaning.The fundamental notion however is that of substantiality,to which is closely related the specific Buddhist notion of impermanence (loka=lujjati).-- 1.Universe:the distinctions between the universe (cp.cakkavāḷa) as a larger whole and the world as a smaller unit are fluctuating & not definite.A somewhat wider sphere is perhaps indicated by sabba-loka (e.g.S.I,12; IV,127,312; V,132; It.122; Mhvs 1,44; cp.sabbāvanta loka D.I,251; III,224),otherwise even the smaller loka comprises var.realms of creation.Another larger division is that of loka as sadevaka, samāraka, sabrahmaka,or the world with its devas,its Māra and its Brahmā,e.g.S.I,160,168,207; II,170; III,28,59; IV,158; V,204; A.I,259 sq.; II,24 sq.; III,341; IV,56,173; V,50; It.121; Nd1 447 (on Sn.956),to which is usually added sassamaṇa-brāhmaṇī pajā (e.g.D.I,250,see loci s.v.pajā).With this cp.Dh.45,where the divisions are paṭhavī, Yamaloka, sadevaka (loka),which are expld at DhA.I,334 by paṭhavī=attabhāva; Yamaloka=catubbidha apāyaloka; sadevaka=manussaloka devalokena saddhiṁ.-- The universe has its evolutional periods:saṁvaṭṭati and vivaṭṭati D.II,109 sq.The Buddha has mastered it by his enlightenment:loko Tathāgatena abhisambuddho It.121.On loka,lokadhātu (=cosmos) and cakkavāḷa cp.Kirfel,Kosmographie p.180,181.‹-› 2.Regional meaning.-- (a) in general.Referring to this world,the character of evanescence is inherent in it; referring to the universe in a wider sense,it implies infinity,though not in definite terms.There is mention of the different metaphysical theories as regards cosmogony at many places of the Canon.The antânantikā (contending for the finitude or otherwise of the world) are mentioned as a sect at D.I,22 sq.Discus‹-› sions as to whether loka is sassata or antavā are found e.g.at M.I,426,484; II,233; S.III,182,204; IV,286 sq.; A.II,41; V,31,186 sq.; Ps.I,123,151 sq.; Vbh.340; Dhs.1117.Views on consistency of the world (eternal or finite; created or evolved etc.) at D.III,137; cp.S.II,19 sq.Cp.also the long and interesting discussion of loka as suñña at S.IV,54 sq.; Ps.II,177 sq.; Nd2 680; -- as well as M.II,68 (upanīyati loko addhuvo,and “attāṇo loko,assakoloko” etc.); “lokassa anto” is lit.unattainable:A.II,50=S.I,62; IV,93; but the Arahant is “lok’antagū,” cp.A.IV,430.-- As regards their order in space (or “plane”) there are var.groupings of var.worlds,the evidently popular one being that the world of the devas is above and the nirayas below the world of man (which is “tiriyaṁ vâpi majjhe”):Nd2 550.The world of men is as ayaṁ loko contrasted with the beyond,or paro loko: D.III,181; S.IV,348 sq.; A.I,269; IV,226; Sn.779 (n’āsiṁsati lokaṁ imaṁ parañ ca); or as idhaloka D.III,105.The defn of ayaṁ loko at Nd1 60 is given as:sak’attabhāva,saka-rūpa-vedanā etc.,ajjhatt’āyatanāni,manussa-loka,kāmadhātu; with which is contrasted paro loko as:parattabhāva,para-rūpavedanā,bāhir’āyatanāni,devaloka,rūpa- & arūpadhātu.-- The rise and decay of this world is referred to as samudaya and atthaṅgama at S.II,73; III,135; IV,86; A.V,107.-- Cp.D.III,33 (attā ca loko ca); Mhvs 1,5 (lokaṁ dukkhā pamocetuṁ); 28,4 (loko ‘yaṁ pīḷito); PvA.1 (vijjā-caraṇa-sampannaṁ yena nīyanti lokato).-- Other divisions of var.kinds of “planes” are e.g.deva° A.I,115,153; III,414 sq.; Brahma° Vbh.421; Mhvs 19,45; Yama° Dh.44; S.I,34; nara° Mhvs 5,282.See also each sep.head-word,also peta° & manussa°.‹-› The division at Nd1 550 is as follows:niraya°,tiracchāna°,pittivisaya°,manussa°,deva° (=material); upon which follow khandha°,dhātu°,āyatana° (=immaterial).Similarly at Nd1 29,where apāya° takes the place of niraya°,tiracchāna°,pittivisaya°.-- Another threefold division is saṅkhāra°, satta°, okāsa° at Vism.204,with explns:“sabbe sattā āhāra-ṭṭhitikā” ti= saṅkhāraloka; “sassato loko ti vā asassato loko” ti= sattaloka; “yāvatā candima-suriyā pariharanti disā ‘bhanti virocamānā” etc.(=M.I,328; A.I,227; cp.J.I,132) =okāsaloka.The same expln in detail at SnA 442.-- Another as kāma°, rūpa°, arūpa°: see under rūpa; another as kilesa°, bhava°, indriya° at Nett 11,19.Cp.saṅkhāra-loka VbhA.456; dasa lokadhātuyo (see below) S.I,26.-- 3.Ordinary & applied meaning.-- (a) division of the world,worldly things S.I,1,24 (loke visattikā attachment to this world; opp.sabba-loke anabhirati S.V,132).--loke in this world,among men,here D.III,196 (ye nibbutā loke); It.78 (loke uppajjati); DA.I,173 (id.); Vbh.101 (yaṁ loke piya-rūpaṁ etc.); Pv.II,113 (=idaṁ C.); KhA 15,215.See also the diff.defns of loke at Nd2 552.-- loka collectively “one,man”:kicchaṁ loko āpanno jāyati ca jīyati ca,etc.D.II,30.Also “people”:Laṅka-loka people of Ceylon Mhvs 19,85; cp.jana in similar meaning.Derived from this meaning is the use in cpds.(°-) as “usual,every day,popular,common”:see e.g.°āyata,°vajja,°vohāra.-- (b) “thing of the world,” material element,physical or worldly quality,sphere or category (of “materiality”).This category of loka is referred to at Vbh.193,which is expld at VbhA.220 as follows:“ettha yo ayaṁ ajjhatt’ādi bhedo kāyo pariggahīto,so eva idha-loko nāma.” In this sense 13 groups are classified according to the number of constituents in each group (1--12 and No.18); they are given at Nd2 551 (under lokantagū Sn.1133) as follows:(1) bhavaloka; (2) sampatti bhavaloka,vipatti bhavaloka; (3) vedanā; (4) āhārā; (5) upādāna-kkhandhā; (6) ajjhattikāni āyatanāni (their rise & decay as “lokassa samudaya & atthaṅgama” at S.IV,87); (7) viññāṇaṭṭhitiyo; (8) loka-dhammā; (9) satt’āvāsā; (10) upakkilesā; (11) kāmabhavā; (12) āyatanāni; (18) dhātuyo.They are repeated at Ps.I,122=174,with (1) as “sabbe sattā āhāra-ṭṭhitikā; (2) nāmañ ca rūpañ ca; and the remainder the same.Also at Vism.205 and at SnA 442 as at Ps.I,122.Cp.the similar view at S.IV,95:one perceives the world (“materiality”:loka-saññin and loka-mānin,proud of the world) with the six senses.This is called the “loka” in the logic (vinaya) of the ariyā.-- A few similes with loka see J.P.T.S.1907,131.
--akkhāyikā (f.,scil.kathā) talk or speculation about (origin etc.of) the world,popular philosophy (see lokāyata and cp.Dialogues I.14) Vin.I,188; D.I,8; M.I,513; Miln.316; DA.I,90.--agga chief of the world.Ep.of the Buddha ThA.69 (Ap.V,11).--anta the end (spatial) of the world A.II,49 (na ca appatvā lokantaṁ dukkhā atthi pamocanaṁ).--antagū one who has reached the end of the world (and of all things worldly),Ep.of an Arahant A.II,6,49 sq.; It.115,Sn.1133; Nd2 551.--antara the space between the single worlds J.I,44 (V.253:Avīcimhi na uppajjanti,tathā lokantaresu ca).--antarika (scil.Niraya) a group of Nirayas or Purgatories situated in the lokantara (i.e.cakkavāl,antaresu J.I,76),8,000 yojanas in extent,pitch dark,which were filled with light when Gotama became the Buddha J.I,76; VbhA.4; Vism.207 (lokantariya°); SnA 59 (°vāsa life in the l.niraya); cp.BSk.lokântarikā Divy 204 (andhās tamaso ‘ndhakāra-tamisrā).--âdhipa lord or ruler of the world A.I,150.--âdhipateyya “rule of the world,” dependence on public opinion,influence of material things on man,one of the 3 ādhipateyyas (atta°,loka°,dhamma°) D.III,220; Vism.14.--ânukampā sympathy with the world of men [cp.BSk.lokânugraha Divy 124 sq.] D.III,211; It.79.--āmisa worldly gain,bait of the flesh M.I,156; II,253; Th.2,356.--āyata what pertains to the ordinary view (of the world),common or popular philosophy,or as Rhys Davids (Dial.I.171) puts it:“name of a branch of Brahman learning,probably Nature-lore”; later worked into a quâsi system of “casuistry,sophistry.” Franke,Dīgha trsln 19,trsls as “logisch beweisende Naturerklärung” (see the long note on this page,and cp.Dial.I.166--172 for detail of lokāyata).It is much the same as lok-akkhāy(ika) or popular philosophy.‹-› D.I,11,88; Vin.II,139; Sn.p.105 (=vitaṇḍa-vādasattha SnA 447,as at DA.I,247); Miln.4,10,178; A.I,163,166; III,223.Cp.BSk.lokāyata Divy 630,633,and lokāyatika ibid.619.See also Kern’s remarks at Toev.s.v.--āyatika (brāhmaṇa) one who holds the view of lokāyata or popular philosophy S.II,77 (trsln K.S.53:a Brahmin “wise in world-lore”); Miln.178; J.VI,486 (na seve lokāyatikaṁ; expld as “anatthanissitaṁ ...vitaṇḍa-sallāpaṁ lokāyatika-vādaṁ na seveyya,” thus more like “sophistry” or casuistry).--issara lord of the world Sdhp.348.--uttara see under lokiya.--cintā thinking about the world,worldphilosophy or speculation S.V,447; A.II,80 (as one of the 4 acinteyyāni or thoughts not to be thought out:buddha-visaya,jhāna-visaya,kamma-vipāka,l-c.).Cp.BSk.laukika citta Divy 63,77 etc.--dhammā (pl.) common practice,things of the world,worldly conditions S.III,139 sq.; Sn.268 (expln loke dhammā; yāva lokappavatti tāva-anivattikā dhammā ti vuttaṁ hoti KhA 153,cp.J.III,468); Miln.146.Usually comprising a set of eight,viz.lābha,alābha,yaso,ayaso,nindā,pasaṁsā,sukhaṁ,dukkhaṁ D.III,260; A.IV,156 sq.; V,53; Nd2 55; Ps.I,22,122; Vbh.387; Nett 162; DhA.II,157.--dhātu constituent or unit of the Universe,“world-element”; a world,sphere; another name for cakkavāla.Dasa-sahassi-lokadhātu the system of the 10,000 worlds Vin.I,12; A.I,227.-- D.III,114; Pv.II,961; Kvu 476; Vism.206 sq.; Vbh.336; Nd1 356 (with the stages from one to fifty lokadhātu’s,upon which follow:sahassī cūḷanikā l-dh.; dvisahassī majjhimikā; tisahassī; mahāsahassī); J.I,63,212; Miln.237; VbhA.430,436.See also cūḷanikā.--nātha saviour of the world,Ep.of the Buddha Sn.995; Vism.201,234; VvA.165; PvA.42,287.--nāyaka guide or leader of the world (said of the Buddha) Sn.991; Ap 20; Mhvs 7,1; Miln.222.--nirodha destruction of the world It.121 (opp.°samudaya).--pāla (°devatā) guardian (governor) of the world,which are usually sepcified as four,viz.Kuvera (=Vessavaṇa),Dhataraṭṭha,Virūpakkha,Virūḷhaka,alias the 4 mahārājāno Pv.I,42; J.I,48 (announce the future birth of a Buddha).--byūha “world-array,” pl.byūhā (devā) N.of a class of devas J.I,47; Vism.415 (kāmâvacara-deva’s).--mariyādā the boundary of the world VvA.72.--vajja common sins Miln.266; KhA 190.--vaṭṭa “world-round,” i.e.saṁsāra (opp.vivaṭṭa =nibbāna) Nett 113,119.See also vaṭṭa.--vidu knowing the universe,Lp.of the Buddha D.III,76; S.I,62; V,197,343; A.II,48; Sn.p.103; Vv 3426; Pug.57; expld in full at SnA 442 and Vism.204 sq.--vivaraṇa unveiling of the universe,apocalypse,revelation Vism.392 (when humans see the devas etc.).--vohāra common or general distinction,popular logic,ordinary way of speaking SnA 383,466; VbhA.164.(Page 586)
loka:[m.] the world; the population.
loka:'world',denotes the 3 spheres of existence comprising the whole universe,i.e.(1) the sensuous world (kāma-loka),or the world of the 5 senses; (2) the fine-material world (rūpa-loka),corresponding to the 4 fine-material absorptions (s.jhāna 1-4); (3) the immaterial world (arūpa-loka),corresponding to the 4 immaterial absorptions (s.jhāna,5-8).
The sensuous world comprises the hells (niraya ),the animal kingdom (tiracchāna-yoni),the ghost-realm (peta-loka),the demon world (asura-nikāya),the human world (manussa-loka) and the 6 lower celestial worlds (s.deva I).In the fine-material world (s.deva II) still exist the faculties of seeing and hearing,which,together with the other sense faculties,are temporarily suspended in the 4 absorptions.In the immaterial world (s.deva III) there is no corporeality whatsoever,only the four mental groups (s.khandha) exist there.
Though the term loka is not applied in the Suttas to those 3 worlds,but only the term bhava,'existence' (e.g.M.43),there is no doubt that the teaching about the 3 worlds belongs to the earliest,i.e.Sutta-period,of the Buddhist scriptures,as many relevant passages show.
Loka:1.Loka.A general,inhabitant of Makkhakudrūsa.He ruled for six years over Rohana,his seat of government being in Kājaragāma.A chieftain named Buddharāja quarrelled with him and fled to Cunnasālā,where he was joined by Kitti (afterwards Vijayabāhu I.).Loka marched against their combined forces,was defeated in Remuna,and died soon after.Cv.lvii.1,45 64.
2.Loka.Son of Kassapa (afterwards Vikkamabāhu I.) and Lokitā.His brother was Moggallāna.Cv.lvii.29; Cv.Trs.i.195,n.3.
3.Loka Kesadhātu.An officer of Parakkamabāhu I.(Cv.lxxii.57).He served under the generals Damilādhikāri Rakkha (Cv.lxxv.75) and Lankāpura (Cv.lxxvi.253,269) and took a prominent part in the campaign against Kulasekhara,particularly in the capture of Rājinā.Cv.lxxvi.324,327.
loka: loka(pu)
[oka+ṇa.so (attā) hi diṭṭhigatikehi lokiyanti ettha puññaṃ pāpaṃ tabbipākā sayaṃ vā kārakādibhāvena abhiyuttehi lokīyatītiloko.udāna,ṭṭha.3va8.lokiyanti ettha puññapāpaphalāni (iti) loko.iti,ṭṭha.7va.lokiyanti ettha puññā paññāni tabbipāko cāti loko,pajā.netti,ṭṭha.6.lokīyati passīyati buddhādīhi pārappattoti vā loko.apa,ṭṭha,2.129.lokiyati ettha dukkhanti loko.vajira.7.lokīyati ettha dukkhanti loko.vajira.7.lokīyati dissati (patiṭṭhahati vā) ettha puññapāpaṃ tabbipāko cāti loko,attā.dī,ṭī,1.375.saṃ,ṭī,,2.389.sukhāsukhaṃ ettha lokīyatīti loko.ma,ṭī,1.285.lokiyanti ettha sattakāyatūtagāmādīhi loko cakkavāḷo.saṃ,ṭī,2.3va6.lokiyati ettha uḷāraṃ puññaphalantiloko.visuddhi,ṭī,1.3va.lokīyati vicittākārato dissatīti cakkavāḷasaṅkhāto loko okāsaloko,saṅkhāro lujjati palujjatīti loko.lokīyatīti ettha puññapāpaṃ tabbipākocāti sattaloko.udāna,ṭṭha.1va7.samūhattho (pi) lokasaddo samudāyavasena lokīyati paññāpīyatīti.sārattha,1.7.dī,ṭī,1.5.sī,ṭī,,1.12.ma,ṭī,1.5.saṃ,ṭī-1.5.aṃ,ṭī,1.8.lokīyati samudāyavasena paññāpīyatīti lokosamūho.niti,dhātu.156.luja+ṇa.ja-ga,ga- ka-pru.ka.623.rū.554.ka 2va.rū.27.ja- ka-pru.,ṭī.93,186.nirutti.45,786.lujjatīti kho bhikkhu tasmā ]]loko]] ti vuccati,saṃ,2.278.saṅkhāro (pana) lujjati palujjatīti loko.udāna,ṭṭha.187.apa,ṭṭha.2.129,saṃ,ṭī,2.3va6.so sabbopi lujjana palujjanaṭṭhena loko.vi ṭṭha,1.136.loko vuccati lujjanapalujjanaṭṭhenavaṭṭaṃ.abhi,ṭṭha,1.9va.paṭisaṃ,ṭṭha,1.12va,213.mahāni,ṭṭha.145,291.visuddhi,ṭī,2.77.lujjanapalujjanaṭṭhena vā lokaṃ.iti,ṭṭha.7va.lujjatīti loko.nīti,dhātu.225.nirutti.45,786.,ṭī.93,186.lu+ṇvu.luyate vā jātijarāmaraṇa dukkhehīti loko.vajira.7.lokiyateti loko.kappadduma.thoma.loka-saṃ.loa,loga-prā,addhamāgadhī.]
[ေလာက+ဏ။ ေသာ (အတၱာ) ဟိ ဒိ႒ိဂတိေကဟိ ေလာကိယႏၲိ ဧတၳ ပုညံ ပါပံ တဗၺိပါကာ သယံ ဝါ ကာရကာဒိဘာေဝန အဘိယုေတၱဟိ ေလာကီယတီတိေလာေကာ။ ဥဒါန၊ ႒။ ၃ဝ၈။ ေလာကိယႏၲိ ဧတၳ ပုညပါပဖလာနိ (ဣတိ) ေလာေကာ။ ဣတိဝုတ္၊ ႒။ ၇ဝ။ ေလာကိယႏၲိ ဧတၳ ပုညာ ပညာနိ တဗၺိပါေကာ စာတိ ေလာေကာ၊ ပဇာ။ ေနတၱိ၊ ႒။ ၆။ ေလာကီယတိ ပႆီယတိ ဗုဒၶါဒီဟိ ပါရပၸေတၱာတိ ဝါ ေလာေကာ။ အပ၊ ႒၊ ၂။ ၁၂၉။ ေလာကိယတိ ဧတၳ ဒုကၡႏၲိ ေလာေကာ။ ဝဇိရ။ ၇။ ေလာကီယတိ ဧတၳ ဒုကၡႏၲိ ေလာေကာ။ ဝဇိရ။ ၇။ ေလာကီယတိ ဒိႆတိ (ပတိ႒ဟတိ ဝါ) ဧတၳ ပုညပါပံ တဗၺိပါေကာ စာတိ ေလာေကာ၊ အတၱာ။ ဒီ၊ ဋီ၊ ၁။ ၃၇၅။ သံ၊ ဋီ၊ သစ္၊ ၂။ ၃၈၉။ သုခါသုခံ ဧတၳ ေလာကီယတီတိ ေလာေကာ။ မ၊ ဋီ၊ ၁။ ၂၈၅။ ေလာကိယႏၲိ ဧတၳ သတၱကာယတူတဂါမာဒီဟိ ေလာေကာ စကၠဝါေဠာ။ သံ၊ ဋီ၊ ၂။ ၃ဝ၆။ ေလာကိယတိ ဧတၳ ဥဠာရံ ပုညဖလႏၲိေလာေကာ။ ဝိသုဒၶိ၊ ဋီ၊ ၁။ ၃ဝ။ ေလာကီယတိ ဝိစိတၱာကာရေတာ ဒိႆတီတိ စကၠဝါဠသခၤါေတာ ေလာေကာ ဩကာသေလာေကာ၊ သခၤါေရာ လုဇၨတိ ပလုဇၨတီတိ ေလာေကာ။ ေလာကီယတီတိ ဧတၳ ပုညပါပံ တဗၺိပါေကာစာတိ သတၱေလာေကာ။ ဥဒါန၊ ႒။ ၁ဝ၇။ သမူဟေတၳာ (ပိ) ေလာကသေဒၵါ သမုဒါယဝေသန ေလာကီယတိ ပညာပီယတီတိ။ သာရတၳ၊ ၁။ ၇။ ဒီ၊ ဋီ၊ ၁။ ၅။ သီ၊ ဋီ၊ သစ္၊ ၁။ ၁၂။ မ၊ ဋီ၊ ၁။ ၅။ သံ၊ ဋီ-၁။ ၅။ အံ၊ ဋီ၊ ၁။ ၈။ ေလာကီယတိ သမုဒါယဝေသန ပညာပီယတီတိ ေလာေကာသမူေဟာ။ နိတိ၊ ဓာတု။ ၁၅၆။ လုဇ+ဏ။ ဇ-ကိုဂ၊ ဂ-ကို က-ျပဳ။ ကစၥည္း။ ၆၂၃။ ႐ူ။ ၅၅၄။ ကစၥည္း ၂ဝ။ ႐ူ။ ၂၇။ ဇ-ကို က-ျပဳ။ ဓာန္၊ ဋီ။ ၉၃၊ ၁၈၆။ နိ႐ုတၱိ။ ၄၅၊ ၇၈၆။ လုဇၨတီတိ ေခါ ဘိကၡဳ တသၼာ "ေလာေကာ" တိ ဝုစၥတိ၊ သံ၊ ၂။ ၂၇၈။ သခၤါေရာ (ပန) လုဇၨတိ ပလုဇၨတီတိ ေလာေကာ။ ဥဒါန၊ ႒။ ၁၈၇။ အပ၊ ႒။ ၂။ ၁၂၉၊ သံ၊ ဋီ၊ ၂။ ၃ဝ၆။ ေသာ သေဗၺာပိ လုဇၨန ပလုဇၨနေ႒န ေလာေကာ။ ဝိ ႒၊ ၁။ ၁၃၆။ ေလာေကာ ဝုစၥတိ လုဇၨနပလုဇၨနေ႒နဝ႗ံ။ အဘိ၊ ႒၊ ၁။ ၉ဝ။ ပဋိသံ၊ ႒၊ ၁။ ၁၂ဝ၊ ၂၁၃။ မဟာနိ၊ ႒။ ၁၄၅၊ ၂၉၁။ ဝိသုဒၶိ၊ ဋီ၊ ၂။ ၇၇။ လုဇၨနပလုဇၨနေ႒န ဝါ ေလာကံ။ ဣတိဝုတ္၊ ႒။ ၇ဝ။ လုဇၨတီတိ ေလာေကာ။ နီတိ၊ ဓာတု။ ၂၂၅။ နိ႐ုတၱိ။ ၄၅၊ ၇၈၆။ ဓာန္၊ ဋီ။ ၉၃၊ ၁၈၆။ လု+ဏြဳ။ လုယေတ ဝါ ဇာတိဇရာမရဏ ဒုေကၡဟီတိ ေလာေကာ။ ဝဇိရ။ ၇။ ေလာကိယေတတိ ေလာေကာ။ ကပၸဒၵဳမ။ ေထာမ။ ေလာက-သံ။ ေလာအ၊ ေလာဂ-ျပာ၊ အဒၶမာဂဓီ။]
loka:m.[〃] 世,世間,世界.-akkhāyikā,-akkhāyika-kathā 世界論,世界起源論.-attha 世間利益.-attha-cariyā 世間利益行.-antarika 世界中間の.-ādhipati 世界主.-ādhipateyya 世間増上.-ānukampā 世間への憐愍.-āmisa 世間財,世間的利得.-āyata 順世論.-āyata-sippa 処世術.-āyatika 順世派.-uttara 出世間.-citta 世間心.-cintā 世間思惟.-jeṭṭha 世の主.-dhamma 世間法,世法.-dhātu 世界.-nātha 世主,世界の救主.-nāyaka 世間の導師.-nirutti 世間的言葉.-nirodha 世間の滅.-pajjota 世界光.-paññatti 世間施設,世間の名義.-pariyāpanna 世間所摂.-pāla-devatā 世界の守護神.-ppadīpa 世界の燈明.-ppasāda 世間清浄.-mānin 世間と思う者.-vajja 世間罪.-vāda 世界論,世論.-vidū 世間解.-vivaraṇa 世界開顕.-vohāra 世間的言説.-saṅketa 世間世俗.-saññin 世想者.-sannivāsa 世間住,世間との共住.-samaññā 世間的名称,世の中の通称.
Loka,【 阳】 世界,世界的居民。 ~gga,【 阳】 世界的领袖。 ~nāyaka,~nātha,【阳】 世界的统治者。 ~nta,【阳】 世界的结束。 ~ntagū,【阳】 已经达到世界(以及所有世俗事物)的尾端的人。 ~ntara,【中】 不同的世界,在世界之间的空间。 ~ntarika,【形】 位于世界之间的。 ~nirodha,【阳】世界的破坏。 ~pāla,【阳】 世界的护卫者。 ~vajja,【中】 世界的罪(共同的罪)。 ~vivaraṇa,【中】 宇宙的揭开。 ~vohāra,【阳】 普通的说话方法。 ~ādhipacca,【中】 世界的支配。 ~anukampā,【阴】 对人类世界的同情。 ~āyatika,【形】 持有自然学主义的人,虚无主义者。(p273)
Loka,【阳】世界,世界的居民。S.35.82.:Lujjatī’ti kho,bhikkhu,tasmā lokoti vuccati.(比丘,‘崩溃’是故称为世间。) S.35.68.:natthi cakkhu,natthi rūpā,natthi cakkhuviññāṇaṁ,natthi cakkhuviññāṇaviññātabbā dhammā,natthi tattha loko vā lokapaññatti (无眼(等),无色(等),无眼识(等),无眼识所识知之法(等),则无世间或世间之概念。) lokagga,【阳】世界的领袖。lokanāyaka,lokanātha,【阳】世界的统治者。lokanta,【阳】世界的结束。lokantagū,【阳】已经达到世界(以及所有世俗事物)的尾端的人。lokantara,【中】不同的世界,在世界之间的空间。lokantarika,【形】位於世界之间的。lokanirodha,【阳】世界的破坏。lokapāla,【阳】世界的护卫者。lokavajja,【中】世界的罪(共同的罪)。lokavivaraṇa,【中】宇宙的揭开。lokavohāra,【阳】通俗说法。lokādhipacca,【中】世界的支配。lokanukampā,【阴】对人类世界的同情。lokāyatika,【形】持有自然学主义的人,虚无主义者。lokapāladhamma﹐护世之法(指:惭愧:hirottappa)。
[ေလာက+ဏ။ ေသာ (အတၱာ) ဟိ ဒိ႒ိဂတိေကဟိ ေလာကိယႏၲိ ဧတၳ ပုညံ ပါပံ တဗၺိပါကာ သယံ ဝါ ကာရကာဒိဘာေဝန အဘိယုေတၱဟိ ေလာကီယတီတိေလာေကာ။ ဥဒါန၊ ႒။ ၃ဝ၈။ ေလာကိယႏၲိ ဧတၳ ပုညပါပဖလာနိ (ဣတိ) ေလာေကာ။ ဣတိဝုတ္၊ ႒။ ၇ဝ။ ေလာကိယႏၲိ ဧတၳ ပုညာ ပညာနိ တဗၺိပါေကာ စာတိ ေလာေကာ၊ ပဇာ။ ေနတၱိ၊ ႒။ ၆။ ေလာကီယတိ ပႆီယတိ ဗုဒၶါဒီဟိ ပါရပၸေတၱာတိ ဝါ ေလာေကာ။ အပ၊ ႒၊ ၂။ ၁၂၉။ ေလာကိယတိ ဧတၳ ဒုကၡႏၲိ ေလာေကာ။ ဝဇိရ။ ၇။ ေလာကီယတိ ဧတၳ ဒုကၡႏၲိ ေလာေကာ။ ဝဇိရ။ ၇။ ေလာကီယတိ ဒိႆတိ (ပတိ႒ဟတိ ဝါ) ဧတၳ ပုညပါပံ တဗၺိပါေကာ စာတိ ေလာေကာ၊ အတၱာ။ ဒီ၊ ဋီ၊ ၁။ ၃၇၅။ သံ၊ ဋီ၊ သစ္၊ ၂။ ၃၈၉။ သုခါသုခံ ဧတၳ ေလာကီယတီတိ ေလာေကာ။ မ၊ ဋီ၊ ၁။ ၂၈၅။ ေလာကိယႏၲိ ဧတၳ သတၱကာယတူတဂါမာဒီဟိ ေလာေကာ စကၠဝါေဠာ။ သံ၊ ဋီ၊ ၂။ ၃ဝ၆။ ေလာကိယတိ ဧတၳ ဥဠာရံ ပုညဖလႏၲိေလာေကာ။ ဝိသုဒၶိ၊ ဋီ၊ ၁။ ၃ဝ။ ေလာကီယတိ ဝိစိတၱာကာရေတာ ဒိႆတီတိ စကၠဝါဠသခၤါေတာ ေလာေကာ ဩကာသေလာေကာ၊ သခၤါေရာ လုဇၨတိ ပလုဇၨတီတိ ေလာေကာ။ ေလာကီယတီတိ ဧတၳ ပုညပါပံ တဗၺိပါေကာစာတိ သတၱေလာေကာ။ ဥဒါန၊ ႒။ ၁ဝ၇။ သမူဟေတၳာ (ပိ) ေလာကသေဒၵါ သမုဒါယဝေသန ေလာကီယတိ ပညာပီယတီတိ။ သာရတၳ၊ ၁။ ၇။ ဒီ၊ ဋီ၊ ၁။ ၅။ သီ၊ ဋီ၊ သစ္၊ ၁။ ၁၂။ မ၊ ဋီ၊ ၁။ ၅။ သံ၊ ဋီ-၁။ ၅။ အံ၊ ဋီ၊ ၁။ ၈။ ေလာကီယတိ သမုဒါယဝေသန ပညာပီယတီတိ ေလာေကာသမူေဟာ။ နိတိ၊ ဓာတု။ ၁၅၆။ လုဇ+ဏ။ ဇ-ကိုဂ၊ ဂ-ကို က-ျပဳ။ ကစၥည္း။ ၆၂၃။ ႐ူ။ ၅၅၄။ ကစၥည္း ၂ဝ။ ႐ူ။ ၂၇။ ဇ-ကို က-ျပဳ။ ဓာန္၊ ဋီ။ ၉၃၊ ၁၈၆။ နိ႐ုတၱိ။ ၄၅၊ ၇၈၆။ လုဇၨတီတိ ေခါ ဘိကၡဳ တသၼာ "ေလာေကာ" တိ ဝုစၥတိ၊ သံ၊ ၂။ ၂၇၈။ သခၤါေရာ (ပန) လုဇၨတိ ပလုဇၨတီတိ ေလာေကာ။ ဥဒါန၊ ႒။ ၁၈၇။ အပ၊ ႒။ ၂။ ၁၂၉၊ သံ၊ ဋီ၊ ၂။ ၃ဝ၆။ ေသာ သေဗၺာပိ လုဇၨန ပလုဇၨနေ႒န ေလာေကာ။ ဝိ ႒၊ ၁။ ၁၃၆။ ေလာေကာ ဝုစၥတိ လုဇၨနပလုဇၨနေ႒နဝ႗ံ။ အဘိ၊ ႒၊ ၁။ ၉ဝ။ ပဋိသံ၊ ႒၊ ၁။ ၁၂ဝ၊ ၂၁၃။ မဟာနိ၊ ႒။ ၁၄၅၊ ၂၉၁။ ဝိသုဒၶိ၊ ဋီ၊ ၂။ ၇၇။ လုဇၨနပလုဇၨနေ႒န ဝါ ေလာကံ။ ဣတိဝုတ္၊ ႒။ ၇ဝ။ လုဇၨတီတိ ေလာေကာ။ နီတိ၊ ဓာတု။ ၂၂၅။ နိ႐ုတၱိ။ ၄၅၊ ၇၈၆။ ဓာန္၊ ဋီ။ ၉၃၊ ၁၈၆။ လု+ဏြဳ။ လုယေတ ဝါ ဇာတိဇရာမရဏ ဒုေကၡဟီတိ ေလာေကာ။ ဝဇိရ။ ၇။ ေလာကိယေတတိ ေလာေကာ။ ကပၸဒၵဳမ။ ေထာမ။ ေလာက-သံ။ ေလာအ၊ ေလာဂ-ျပာ၊ အဒၶမာဂဓီ။]
(၁) (က) လူ၊ ေလာက၊ သတၱေလာက၊ သတၱဝါ၊ သတၱဝါအေပါင္း၊ အလုံးစုံေသာ သတၱဝါ၊ သတၱဝါအားလုံး။ (ခ) ဟသၤာေလာက၊ ဟသၤာငွက္။ (ဂ) သဒၵါက်မ္းျပဳဆရာ၊ သဒၵါတတ္ေသာ-ဆရာ-ပညာရွိ၊ လူပညာရွိ။ (ဃ) ဗာလေလာက၊ လူမိုက္။ (င) လူေလာက၊ လူ၊ လူသား။ (စ) ႐ူပါဝစရျဗဟၼာ၊ ႐ူပျဗဟၼာ၊ စ်ာန္ အဘိညာဉ္ တို႔ျဖင့္ ႀကီးပြါးေသာ ေလာက။ (ဆ) နတ္,လူ,ျဗဟၼာ၊ သမၸတၱိသုဂတိ-ဘဝေလာက၊ အပါယ္ဘုံ သားမွ တစ္ပါးေသာ သတၱဝါ၊ ကာမသုဂတိ-႐ူပ-အ႐ူပ-ဘုံသားသတၱဝါ။ (ဇ) ကာမ-ပုဂၢိဳလ္-သတၱဝါ၊ ရာဂစေသာ ကိေလသာမ်ားျပားေသာ ေလာက။ (စ်) အပါယ္ဘုံသား၊ အပါယ္ဘုံ၌ျဖစ္ေသာ-ပုဂၢိဳလ္-သတၱဝါ၊ ဆင္းရဲမ်ားျပားေသာ ေလာက။ (ည) အ႐ူပ-သတၱဝါ-ျဗဟၼာ၊ သန္႔ရွင္း စင္ၾကယ္ေသာ ဣေႁႏၵရွိေသာ ေလာက။ (ဋ) အရဟတၱဖိုလ္ကို ရင့္ေစတတ္ေသာ ဣေႁႏၵရွိေသာ-ေလာက-ပုဂၢိဳလ္-သတၱဝါ။ (၂) (က) ဩကာသေလာက၊ ေလာကဓာတ္၊ စၾကဝဠာ၊ ကမ႓ာ၊ သတၱဝါတို႔-တည္ရာ-ေနရာ-အရပ္ဌာန။ (ခ) ငရဲေလာက၊ ငရဲ-ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ။ (ဂ) တိရစၧာန္ေလာက၊ တိရစၧာန္-ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ။ (ဃ) ၿပိတၱာေလာက၊ ၿပိတၱာ-ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ။ (င) လူ႔ေလာက၊ လူ႔-ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ။ (စ) ကာမေလာက၊ ကာမဘုံ၊ ကာမဓာတ္။ (ဆ) နတ္ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ။ (ဇ) ႐ူပ-ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ-ဓာတ္။ (စ်) အ႐ူပ-ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ-ဓာတ္။ (ည) ျဗဟၼာ့-ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ၊ ႐ူပဓာတ္,အ႐ူပဓာတ္။ (ဋ) မဟာျဗဟၼာ့-ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ။ (ဌ) သုဒၶါဝါသျဗဟၼာ-ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ။ (ဍ) အက-နိ႒ျဗဟၼာ့-ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ။ (ဎ) လူ႔-နတ္-ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ။ (ဏ) နတ္-ျဗဟၼာ-ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ။ (တ) (လူ႔ျပည္မွ တစ္ပါးေသာ) ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ။ အပါယ္-နတ္-ျဗဟၼာ့-ျပည္-ဘုံ-ရြာ။ (ထ) (အပိုင္းအျခား မရွိေသာ) စၾကဝဠာေလာက၊ အနႏၲ စၾကဝဠာ၊ စၾကဝဠာ အနႏၲ။ (ဒ) (တစ္ေသာင္းေသာ) စၾကဝဠာ ေလာက၊ စၾကစဠာတစ္ေသာင္း။ (ဓ) ၃-ခုေသာ-စၾကဝဠာ-ေလာကဓာတ္၊ စၾကဝဠာ-ေလာကဓာတ္-၃-ခု။ (၃) (က) သခၤါရေလာက၊ သခၤါရတရား။ (ခ) ဝဋ္၊ ဝဋ္တရား။ (ဂ) ဒုကၡသစၥာေလာက၊ ဒုကၡသစၥာ။ (ဃ) ခႏၶာေလာက၊ ခႏၶာ ၅-ပါး။ (င) မိမိ႐ုပ္,ေဝဒနာစေသာ ေလာက၊ ႐ုပ္,ေဝဒနာ စေသာ မိမိခႏၶာ ၅-ပါး။ (စ) သူတစ္ပါး႐ုပ္,ေဝဒနာ စေသာ ေလာက၊ ႐ုပ္,ေဝဒနာစေသာ သူတစ္ပါး ခႏၶာ ၅-ပါး။ (ဆ) အာယတနေလာက၊ အာယတနာ ၁၂-ပါး။ (ဇ) ဓာတ္ေလာက၊ ဓာတ္ ၁၈-ပါး။ (စ်) အပါယ္ေလာက၊ ဓာတ္ ၁၈-ပါး။ (စ်) အပါယ္ေလာက၊ ဒုဂၢတိဥပပတၱိဘဝ၊ (ည) အကုသိုလ္ကံေလာက၊ ဒုဂၢတိဘဝ-သို႔-ကို-ကပ္ေရာက္-ျဖစ္-ေစတတ္ေသာ-ကမၼဘဝ-အကုသိုလ္ကံ။ (ဋ) သုဂတေလာက၊ သုဂတိ ဥပပတၱိဘဝ၊ ဥပပတၱိဘဝအထူး၊ (ဌ) ကုသိုလ္ကံေလာက၊ သုဂတိဘဝ-သို႔-ကို-ကပ္ေရာက္-ျဖစ္-ေစတတ္ေသာ-ကမၼဘဝ-ကုသိုလ္ကံ။ (ဍ) သတၱဝါ၊ "သတၱဝါ"ဟု သမုတ္အပ္ေသာ သခၤါရတရား။ (ဎ) နာမ္႐ုပ္ေလာက၊ နာမ္႐ုပ္ ၂-ပါး၊ (ဏ) ေဝဒနာေလာက၊ ေဝဒနာ ၃-ပါး၊ (တ) အာဟာရေလာက။ (ထ) ဥပါဒါနကၡႏၶာေလာက၊ ဥပါဒါန္တို႔၏ အာ႐ုံျဖစ္ေသာ ခႏၶာ ၅-ပါး။ (ဒ) အတြင္း အာယတနေလာက၊ အတြင္း အာယတန ၆-ပါး။ (ခ) အပအာယတနေလာက၊ အပအာယတန ၆-ပါး။ (န) ဝိညာဏ႒ိတိေလာက၊ ပဋိသေႏၶ ဝိညာဉ္၏ တည္ရာေလာက၊ ပဋိသေႏၶဝိညာဏ္၏ တည္ရာ ၇-ပါး။ (ပ) ေလာကဓံ ေလာက၊ ေလာကဓံ ၈-ပါး။ (ဖ) သတၱဝါသေလာက၊ သတၱဝါတို႔၏ ေနရာေလာက၊ သတၱဝါတို႔ ေနရာ ၉-ပါး။ (ဗ) ႐ုပ္အာယတန ေလာက၊ ႐ုပ္အာယတန ၁ဝ-ပါး။ (ဘ) ပသာဒ႐ုပ္ေလာက၊ ပသာဒ႐ုပ္ ၅-ပါး။ (မ) ကာမဂုဏ္ ေလာက၊ ကာမဂုဏ္ ၅-ပါး။ (ယ) ကိုယ္-ခႏၶာ-ေလာက၊ ကိုယ္-ခႏၶာကိုယ္ (ရ) စိတ္ေလာက၊ စိတ္၊ (လ) နီဝရဏစေသာ ေလာက၊ နီဝရဏစေသာတရား (ဝ) ခႏၶာ-အာယတန-ဓာတ္-ေလာက၊ ခႏၶာ,အာယတန,ဓာတ္။ (သ) ပစၥဳပၸန္ေလာက၊ ယခုဘဝ။ (ဟ) တမလြန္ေလာက၊ ေနာက္ဘဝ။ (ဠ) ပစၥဳပၸန္-တမလြန္-ေလာက၊ ယခု-ေနာက္-ဘဝ။ (၄) သံသရာေလာက၊ သံသရာ၊ (၅) (ႏွစ္ပါးေသာ) ၊ အတြင္း-အပ-ခႏၶာ။ (၆) (က) မိမိအတၱေဘာေလာက၊ မိမိအတၱေဘာ။ (ခ) သူတစ္ပါး အတၱေဘာေလာက၊ သူတစ္ပါး အတၱေဘာ၊ တမလြန္အတၱေဘာေလာက။ (၇) ဝိပါက္ေလာက၊ ဘုံ ၃-ပါး၌ ျဖစ္သည့္ ဝိပါက္-ဝိပါက္နာမကၡႏၶာ။ (၈) အတိတ္-အနာဂတ္-ပစၥဳပၸန္-ေလာက-ကာလ။ (၉) ဩကာသ-သတၱ-ေလာက၊ ဘုံဌာနႏွင့္သတၱဝါ။ (၁ဝ) သတၱ-သခၤါရ-ေလာက၊ သတၱဝါႏွင့္ သခၤါရတရား။ (၁၁) သတၱ,ဩကာသ,သခၤါရအားျဖင့္ ၃-ပါးေသာ ေလာက ေလာက ၃-ပါး။ ေလာကဝိဒူ-တို႔ၾကည့္။ (၁၂) အတၱ၊ 'တိတၳိတို႔သည္ ေလာက'ဟု ၾကံအပ္ေသာ အတၱ။ (၁၃) (ပရိတၱကသိုဏ္းလွ်င္ အာ႐ုံရွိေသာ) အတၱေလာက၊ အတၱ (=စိတ္)။ (၁၄) (အပၸမာဏကသိုဏ္းလွ်င္ အာ႐ုံရွိေသာ) အတၱေလာက၊ အတၱ (စိတ္)။ (၁၅) (က) ခႏၶာေလာက၊ တိတၳိတို႔က "ေလာက"ဟု ယူဆအပ္ေလာ ခႏၶာ ၅-ပါး။ (ခ) ခႏၶာေလာက၊ (၁၆) (သမာပတ္အတြင္း၌ ျဖစ္သည့္) ႐ုပ္ နာမ္ ေလာက၊ ႐ုပ္,နာမ္။ (၁၇) ခႏၶာေလာက၊ ခႏၶာ ၅-ပါးတို႔တြင္ တစ္ပါးပါးေသာ ခႏၶာ။ (၁၈) ငါ့ဥစၥာေလာက၊ ငါ့ဥစၥာ။ (၁၉) သူတစ္ပါးေလာက၊ သူတစ္ပါး။ (၂ဝ) (ႂကြင္းက်န္ေသာ) ဥပါဒါနကၡႏၶာေလာက (ႂကြင္းက်န္ေသာ) တစ္ပါးပါးေသာ ဥပါဒါနကၡႏၶာ။ (၂၁) သက္မဲ့ခႏၶာ အစဉ္ေလာက၊ သက္မဲ့ခႏၶာအစဉ္။ (၂၂) ပဋိဘာဂနိမိတ္ေလာက၊ ပဋိဘာဂနိမိတ္။ (၂၃) ကသိုဏ္း႐ုပ္ေလာက၊ ကသိုဏ္း႐ုပ္ေလာက၊ ကသိုဏ္း႐ုပ္။ (၂၄) အေပါင္း၊ အစုအေပါင္း။ (၂၅) ေလာကသုတ္။
စု = ဒီပေန-ျပျခင္း၌။ ေလာေကတိ၊ ေလာကယတိ။
ဘူ+စု = ဒႆေန-ၾကည့္႐ႈျခင္း၌။ ေလာကတိ။
loka:ေလာက (ပ) (√ေလာက္+အ)
လူ႕ျပည္။ လူ႕ရြာ။ လူအမ်ား။ လူအေပါင္း။ ဘံုသံုးပါး။ သတၱေလာက သခၤါရေလာက ဩကာသေလာက ဟူေသာ ေလာကသံုးပါး။