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từ điển được lấy từ Pali Canon E-Dictionary Version 1.94 (PCED) gồm Pāli-Việt, Pāli-Anh, Pāli-Burmese (Myanmar), Pāli-Trung, Pāli-Nhật
Kết quả tìm cho từ Lokiya
Pali Viet Abhidhamma Terms - Từ điển các thuật ngữ Vô Tỷ Pháp của ngài Tịnh Sự, được chép từ phần ghi chú thuật ngữ trong các bản dịch của ngài
lokiya:hiệp thế,thuộc về đời
PTS Pali-English dictionary - The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary
Lokiya,(& lokiyika) (adj.) [fr.loka; cp.Vedic laukika in meaning “worldly,usual”] 1.(ordinarily) “belonging to the world,” i.e.-- (a) world-wide,covering the whole world,famed,widely known Th.1,554; J.VI,198.‹-› (b) (-°) belonging to the world of,an inhabitant of (as lokika) Pv.I,62 (Yama°).-- (c) common,general,worldly Vism.89 (samādhi); DhA.IV,3 (°mahājana) PvA.131 (°parikkhaka),207 (sukha),220 (°sabhāva).See also below 3.-- 2.(special meaning) worldly,mundane,when opposed to lokuttara.The term lokuttara has two meanings- viz.(a) in ordinary sense:the highest of the world,best,sublime (like lokagga,etc.),often applied to Arahantship,e.g.lokuttaradāyajja inheritance of Arahantship J.I,91; DhA.I,117; ideal:lokuttara dhamma (like parama dhamma) the ideal state,viz.Nibbāna M.II,181; pl.l.dhammā M.III,115.-- (b) (in later canonical literature) beyond these worlds,supra-mundane,transcendental,spiritual.In this meaning it is applied to the group of nava lokuttarā dhammā (viz.the 4 stages of the Path:sotāpatti etc.,with the 4 phala’s,and the addition of nibbāna),e.g.Dhs.1094.Mrs.Rh.D.tries to compromise between the two meanings by giving lokuttara the trsln “engaged upon the higher ideal” (Dhs.tsrl.Introd.p.98),since meaning (b) has too much of a one-sided philosophical appearance.On term cp.Cpd.913.-- 3.lokiya (in meaning “mundane”) is contrasted with lokuttara (“transcendental”) at many passages of the Abhidhamma,e.g.at Ps.II,166; Dhs.505,1093,1446; Vbh.17 sq.,93,106,128,229 sq.,271,322; Kvu 222,515,602; Pug.62; Tikp 41 sq.,52 sq.,275; Dukp 304,324; Nett 10,54,67,77,111,161 sq.,189 sq.; Miln.236,294 (lokika),390; Vism.10,85,438; DA.I,331; DhsA.47 sq.,213; VbhA.128,373; DhA.I,76 (lokika); II,150; III,272; IV,35.(Page 588)
Concise Pali-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera
lokiya:[adj.] worldly; mundane.
Buddhist Dictionary by NYANATILOKA MAHATHERA
lokiya:'mundane',are all those states of consciousness and mental factors - arising in the worldling,as well as in the Noble One - which are not associated with the supermundane (lokuttara; s.the foll.) paths and fruitions of Sotāpatti,etc.See ariyapuggala,A.