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Kết quả tìm cho từ Nekkhamma
Pali Viet Dictionary - Bản dịch của ngài Bửu Chơn
NEKKHAMMA:[nt] xuất gia,đi tu --vitaka,--saṇkappa [nt] suy tư về sự xuất gia,dứt bỏ ngũ trần --sukkha [nt] an vui của sự xuất gia --ābhirata [a] ưa thích sự xuất gia
PTS Pali-English dictionary - The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary
Nekkhamma,(nt.) [formally a derivation fr.nikkhamma (ger.of nikkhamati)=Sk.*naiṣkramya,as shown also by its semantic affinity to nikkhanta,in which the metaphorical sense has entirely superseded the literal one.On the other hand,it may be a bastard derivation fr.nikkāma=Sk.*naiṣkāmya,although the adj.nikkāma does not show the prevailing meaning & the wide range of nikkhanta,moreover formally we should expect nekkamma.In any case the connection with kāma is pre-eminently felt in the connotation of n.,as shown by var.passages where a play of word exists between n.& kāma (cp.kāmānaṁ nissaraṇaṁ yad idaṁ nekkhammaṁ It.61,cp.Vin.I,104; A.III,245; also M.I,115).The use of the similar term abhinikkhamana further warrants its derivation fr.nikkhamati] giving up the world & leading a holy life,renunciation of,or emancipation from worldliness,freedom from lust,craving & desires,dispassionateness,self-abnegation,Nibbāna Vin.I,18 (°e ānisaṁsa); D.I,110 (id.),III,239,275,283; M.III,129; A.I,147 (=khema,i.e.nibbāna); III,245; IV,186 (ānisaṁsa),439 sq.; Sn.424 (°ṁ daṭṭhu khemato); Dh.181; Ps.I,107 sq.; II,169 sq.; Nd2 370; Vism.116,325; J.I,19; 137; Vv 8442 (=nibbāna VvA.348); Nett 53,87,106 sq.; Miln.285 (°ṁ abhinikkhanta); DhA.III,227; ThA.266.
--âdhimutta bent on self-abnegation (enumd with 5 other ideals of Arahantship:paviveka,avyāpajjha,upādānakkhaya,taṇhakkhaya,asammoha) Vin.I,183; A.III,376; --âbhirata fond of renunciation A.IV,224; V,175; Ps.II,173; --dhātu the sphere or element of dispassionateness S.II,152; Vbh.86; Nett 97; Vism.487.--ninna merging into or bent on a holy life S.III,233; --vitakka a thought of self-abnegation S.II,152; A.I,275; II,252; It.82; --saṅkappa=prec.S.II,152; A.III,146; Vbh.104,235; --sita based or bent on a holy life (opp.geha° q.v.) S.IV,232; --sukha the joy or happiness of Arahantship M.III,110; A.I,80; Dh.267,272; DhA.III,400.(Page 377)
Concise Pali-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera
nekkhamma:[nt.] giving up the world; renunciation.
Buddhist Dictionary by NYANATILOKA MAHATHERA
nekkhamma:'freedom from sensual lust',renunciation.Though apparently from nir + √kram,'to go forth (into the homeless state of a monk)',this term is in the Pāḷi texts nevertheless used as if it were derived from kāma,lust,and always as an antonym to kāma.It is one of the perfections (s.pāramī).N.saṅkappa,thought free from lust,or thought of renunciation,is one of the 3 kinds of right thought (sammā-saṅkappa),the 2nd link of the Noble Eightfold Path (s.magga,2),its antonym being kāmasaṅkappa,lustful thought.