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Kết quả tìm cho từ Okkamati
Pali Viet Dictionary - Bản dịch của ngài Bửu Chơn
OKKAMATI:(ava+kam+a) đi vào,rơi vào,đến nơi [aor] okkami [abs] okkamitvā --na [nt] đi vào,rơi vào
PTS Pali-English dictionary - The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary
Okkamati,[o + kamati fr.kram] lit.to enter,go down into,fall into.fig.to come on,to develop,to appear in (of a subjective state).It is strange that this important word has been so much misunderstood,for the English idiom is the same.We say “he went to sleep” ,without meaning that he went anywhere.So we may twist it round and say that “sleep overcame him” ,without meaning any struggle.The two phrases mean exactly the same ‹-› an internal change,or developement,culminating in sleep.So in Pali niddā okkami sleep fell upon him,Vin.I,15; niddaṁ okkami he fell on sleep,asleep,DhA.I,9; PvA.47.At It.76 we hear that a dullness developed (dubbaṇṇiyaṁ okkami) on the body of a god,he lost his radiance.At D.II,12; M.III,119 a god,on his rebirth,entered his new mother’s womb (kucchiṁ okkami).At D II 63 occurs the question “if consciousness were not to develop in the womb?” (viññāṇaṁ na okkamissatha) S.V,283 “abiding in the sense of bliss” (sukha-saññaṁ okkamitvā).See also Pug.13 = 28 (niyāma okk°,“he enters on the Path” ).‹-› Caus.okkāmeti to make enter,to bring to S.IV,312 (saggaṁ).-- pp.okkanta.See also avakkamati.(Page 163)
Concise Pali-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera
okkamati:[ava + kam + a] enters; falls into; comes on okkamana :[nt.] entry or falling into.
Pali-Dictionary Vipassana Research Institute
okkamati:To descend,step down; to disembark; to fall into,enter or come into