Kết quả tìm cho từ Paṭimokkha
pātimokkha:giới bổn ba la đề mộc xoa,biệt biệt giải thoát giới
PĀTIMOKKHA:[m] giới bổn của Tỳ kheo (biệt biệt giải thoát giới)
pāṭimokkha:thường được gọi là giới bổn hay biệt giải thoát giới,chữ gọi chung học giới của tỳ khưu hay học giới của tỳ khưu ni ngoài việc chấp trì các học giới,mỗi nửa tháng các tăng ni phải họp mặt một lần để trùng thuật và lắng nghe giới bổn như một cách ôn tập và cũng để duy trì đạo tình (samaggī).giới bổn của tỳ khưu gồm tám phần ba la di,tăng tàn,bất định,xả ba dật đề,ba dật đề,ưng phát lộ,ưng học pháp và tịnh tranh giới bổn của tỳ khưu ni chỉ có bảy phần,không có hai điều bất định
Paṭimokkha,[fr.paṭi+muc] 1.a sort of remedy,purgative D.I,12 osadhīnaṁ p.expld at DA.I,98 as “khārâdīni datvā tad-anurūpo khaṇe gate tesaṁ apanayanaṁ.” Cp.Dial.26.-- 2.binding,obligatory J.V,25 (saṅgaraṁ p.a binding promise).Cp.pāṭimokkha.(Page 398)
Pātimokkha,(pāti)° (nt.) [with Childers plausibly as paṭi+ mokkha,grd.of muc (Caus.mokṣ°) with lengthening of paṭi as in other grd.like pāṭidesaniya.Thus in reality the same as paṭimokkha 2 in sense of binding,obligatory,obligation,cp.J.V,25.The spelling is freq.pāti° (BB pāṭi°).The Sk.prāṭimokṣa is a wrong adaptation fr.P.pātimokkha,it should really be pratimokṣya “that which should be made binding.” An expln of the word after the style of a popular etym.is to be found at Vism.16] a name given to a collection of various precepts contained in the Vinaya (forming the foundation of the Suttavibhaṅga,Vin vols.III & IV.,ed.Oldenberg),as they were recited on Uposatha days for the purpose of confession.See Geiger,P.Lit.c.7,where literature is given; & cp.Vin.Texts I.27 sq.; Franke,Dighanikāya p.66 sq.; --pāṭimokkhaṁ uddisati to recite the P.Vin.I,102,112,175; II,259; III,8; IV,143; Ud.51; opp.°ṁ ṭhapeti to suspend the (recital of the) P.Vin.II,240 sq.-- See Vin.I,65,68; II,95,240 sq.249; S.V,187; Sn.340; Dh.185,375; Nd1 365; Vism.7,11,16 sq.,36,292; DhA.III,237 (=jeṭṭhakasīla); IV,111 (id.); Sdhp.342,355,449.--uddesa recitation of the P.Vin.I,102; D.II,46; M.II,8; SnA 199.--uddesaka one who recites the P.Vin.I,115,cp.Vin.Texts I.242.--ṭhapana suspension of the P.Vin.II,241 sq.; A.V,70.--saṁvara “restraint that is binding on a recluse” (Dial.I.79),moral control under the P.Vin.IV,51; D.I,62; II,279; III,77,266,285; A.III,113,135,151; IV,140; V,71,198; It.96,118; Ud.36; Vism.16 (where expld in detail); VbhA.323; cp.saṁvuta-pāṭimokkha (adj.) Pv IV.132.(Page 450)
Pātimokkha,see pāṭi°.(Page 452)
pātimokkha:[m.] a collection of precepts contained in the Vinaya.
Pātimokkha:'Disciplinary Code',is the name of the code of monk's rules,which on all full-moon and new moon days is recited before the assembled community of fully ordained monks (bhikkhu).
See The Pātimokkha,Romanized Pāḷi text and transl.by Ñāṇamoli Thera (Bangkok 1966,Mahāmakut Buddhist Bookshop).
Pātimokkha:The name given to a set of two hundred and twenty seven rules to be observed by members of the Buddhist Order.The rules are not ethical but mainly economic,regulating the behaviour of the members of the Order towards one another in respect of clothes,dwellings,furniture,etc.,held in common.In four cases out of the two hundred and twenty seven the punishment for infringement of a rule is exclusion from the Order; in all the remaining cases,it is merely suspension for a time.
The rules are arranged in seven sections
Pārajikā Dhammā Sanghādisesā-pātimokkha Aniyatā Nissaggiyāpācittiyā Pācittiyā-pātimokkha Patidesanīyā Sekkiyā pātimokkhacorresponding very roughly to the degree of weight attached to their observance.
The Pātimokkha is not included in the extant Buddhist Canon.The rules are included,in the Sutta Vibhanga (”sutta” here meaning ”rule”),which contains besides the rules themselves,an old Commentary explaining them and a new Commentary containing further supplementary information concerning them.The rules are divided into two parts:one for the monks (Bhikkhu Pātimokkha) and the other for the nuns (Bhikkhuknī Pātimokkha).It is a moot point whether the rules originally appeared with the explanatory notes (as in the Vibhanga),the Pātimokkha being subsequently extracted,or whether the Pātimokkha alone was the older portion,the additional matter of the Vibhanga being the work of a subsequent revision.For a discussion of this,see Vin.i.Introd.xvi; Law:Pāli.Lit.2ff.; Hastings:Encyclopaedia under Pātimokkha.
It is sometimes suggested (Law:op.cit.,p.2) that the original number of Pātimokkha rules numbered only about one hundred and fifty.A passage in the Anguttara Nikāya (i.231-232) is quoted in support of this suggestion (sādhikam diyaddhasikkhāpadasatam).According to this theory the seventy five Sekhiyā rules were added later.See Law:op.cit.,19f.; Law’s argument,however,that the Pātimokkha rules were among the texts not recited at the First Council,is due to a wrong understanding of the Sumangala Vilāsinī passage (i.17).
The rules were recited at the gatherings of members of the Order (the Uposatha khandha of the Mahā Vagga (Vin.i.101 36) gives details of the procedure at these gatherings) in their respective districts on uposatha days (the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the month).Each section of the rules is recited and,at the end of such recital,the reciter asks the members of the Order who are present if any one of them has infringed any of the rules.Silence implies absence of guilt.This practice of interrupting the recital seems to have been changed later (see Vin.ii.240 ff.) even though the old formula,asking the members to speak,continued as a part of the recital.
The word pātimokkha is variously explained,the oldest explanation being that the observance of the rules is the face (mukham),the chief (pamukham) of good qualities.The Sanskritised form of the word being prātimoksa,this led to a change in its significance,the completion of the recital being evidence that all those who have taken part are pure in respect of the specified offences - pātimokkha thus meaning acquittal,deliverance or discharge.But in most contexts the word simply means code - i.e.,code of verses for the members of the Order.
For a detailed account of the Pātimokkha rules see Law:Pāli Literature,49 ff.
paṭimokkha: paṭimokkha(pu)
patimokkha: patimokkha(pu,na)
[ပတိ+ေမာကၡ။ ပ+အတိ+ေမာကၡ]
pāṭimokkha:ပါဋိေမာကၡ (န) (ပဋိ√မုစ္+ဏ်)
pātimokkha:ပါတိေမာကၡ (န) (ပဋိ√မုစ္)
ေစာင့္စည္းျခင္း။ ေစာင့္ေရွာက္ျခင္း။ တာဝန္ရွိျခင္း။
ပါတိေမာကၡႏၲိ သီလံ ပတိ႒ာ အာဒိ စရဏံ သံယေမာ သံဝေရာ ေမာကၡံ ပါေမာကၡံ ကုသလာနံ ဓမၼာနံ သမာပတၱိယာ၊ ပါတိေမာက္ဟူသည္ကား - သီလ၌တည္ျခင္း အစအေျခ ေစာင့္စည္းျခင္း ေစာင့္ေရွာက္ျခင္း ကုသိုလ္တရားတို႔သို႔ ေရာက္ျခင္းငွာ အႀကီးအမွဴးတည္း။ ဝိဘင္းပါဠိေတာ္။
Pātimokkha,【阳】 波提木叉(《戒律》中的一集)。(p222)
pātimokkha:(律学名词)巴帝摩卡, (古音译:)波罗提木叉
“Pātimokkha’ti ādimetaṃ mukhametaṃ pamukhametaṃ kusalānaṃ dhammānaṃ.Tena vuccati pātimokkhan’ti.”
“Pātimokkhan’ti pa-atimokkhaṃ atipamokkhaṃ atiseṭṭhaṃ ati-uttamanti attho.”
“Tañhi yo naṃ pāti rakkhati, taṃ mokkheti mocayati āpāyikādīhi dukkhehi, tasmā pātimokkhan’ti vuccati.”
1.戒巴帝摩卡(sīla pātimokkha)——比库、比库尼应持守的巴帝摩卡律仪戒。其中,比库巴帝摩卡共有227条,比库尼巴帝摩卡有311条。
2.经籍巴帝摩卡 (gantha pātimokkha)——僧团每半月半月应念诵的戒经。有两部戒经,即《比库巴帝摩卡》和《比库尼巴帝摩卡》。
paṭimokkha:m.a.[paṭi-muc 的 grd.] ① 下劑(瀉劑,a sort of remedy,purgative).② 義務的(obligatory).
Pāṭimokkha,Pātimokkha,(fr.paṭi回+ muc(梵muc / moks)释放﹑解脱;梵Praṭimokkha波罗提木叉),【阳】守则。音译:波提木叉、巴帝摩卡。bhikkhupātimokkha,【阳】比丘守则、比丘波提木叉(the code of monastic discipline)。《律藏·大品·诵戒篇》中解释︰「巴帝摩卡者,此是最初,此是头首,此是诸善法之上首,因此称为『巴帝摩卡』。」律注《疑惑度脱》中说︰「巴帝摩卡为极殊胜(pa-atimokkha)、极上首(atipamokkha)、极尊、极上之义。」《清净道论》中说︰「若他看护(pāti)、保护此者,能使他解脱(mokkheti)、脱离恶趣等苦,所以称为『巴帝摩卡』。」sāvakā āraññakā pantasenāsanā āraññavanapatthāni pantāni senāsanāni ajjhogahetvā viharati.Te anvaḍḍhamāsaṁ sajghamajjhe osarati pātimokkhuddesāya.(诸弟子住闲林者、住边地坐卧处者,潜入森、林、薮、边地而住。他们每半月为了诵戒而入众。) 。《善见律毘婆沙》卷第七(T24.719.1)︰「於诸光明日光为王,於诸山中须弥为最,一切世间学波罗提木叉为最。如来出世便有此法,若无佛出世,无有众生能竖立此法,身口意行诸恶业,佛以‘无等学’而制。」《五分律》卷十八说:「波罗提木叉者,以此戒防护诸根,增长善法,於诸善法最为初门故,名为波罗提木叉。」(T22.122.1)。《毘尼母经》(卷二:大正24.809.1)卷三:大正24.814.2) ):「波罗提木叉者,名最胜义。以何义故名为最胜,诸善之本,以戒为根,众善得生,故名胜义。」
pāṭimokkha:原:别解脱 订正:护解脱;堕解脱 页码:第189页
pāṭimokkha:pātimokkha n.[cf.paṭimokkha,BSk.prātimokṣa] 波羅提木叉,戒,戒条,戒本,別解脱.-uddesa 説戒,波羅提木叉の読誦.-uddesaka 説戒者.-ṭhapana 遮說戒,波羅提木叉の中止.-saṃvara 別解脱律儀.
pāṭimokkha:pātimokkha n.[cf.paṭimokkha,BSk.prātimokṣa] 波羅提木叉,戒,戒條,戒本,別解脱.-uddesa 說戒,波羅提木叉的讀誦.-uddesaka 說戒者.-ṭhapana 遮說戒,波羅提木叉的中止.-saṃvara 別解脱律儀.
[ပတိ+ေမာကၡ။ ပ+အတိ+ေမာကၡ]
အရွင္-သခင္-ျဖစ္ေသာ ျမတ္စြာဘုရား၏ (သံသရာဝဋ္မွ) ထြက္ေျမာက္ေၾကာင္း သီလ။ (၂) ျမတ္ေသာ လြတ္ေျမာက္ေၾကာင္း သီလ။ (၃) စင္စစ္-အမ်ိဳးမ်ိဳး-အစားစား-လြတ္ေျမာက္ေၾကာင္း သီလ။ (၄) အသီးအသီး လြတ္ေျမာက္ေၾကာင္း သီလ။ (၅) နိဗၺာန္၏-အတူ-အတုအ႐ုပ္-ျဖစ္ေသာ သီလ။ (၆) နိဗၺာန္ကို စြဲ၍ျဖစ္ေသာ သီလ။ (၇) နိဗၺာန္သို႔ ေရွး႐ွဴျဖစ္ေသာ သီလ။
paṭimokkha:ပဋိ-ေမာကၡ (ပ)
လြတ္ေစျခင္း၊ ပယ္ခြါျခင္း။
paṭimokkha:m.a.[paṭi-muc の grd.] ①下剤.②義務的な.