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Kết quả tìm cho từ Papañca
Pali Viet Dictionary - Bản dịch của ngài Bửu Chơn
PAPAÑCA:[m] sự chướng ngại,sự trễ nải,sự lầm lạc,trở ngại cho sự tiến hóa tinh thần,sự ngăn trở
PTS Pali-English dictionary - The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary
Papañca,[in its P.meaning uncertain whether identical with Sk.prapañca (pra+pañc to spread out; meaning “expansion,diffuseness,manifoldedness”; cp.papañceti & papañca 3) more likely,as suggested by etym.& meaning of Lat.im-ped-iment-um,connected with pada,thus perhaps originally “pa-pad-ya,” i.e.what is in front of (i.e.in the way of) the feet (as an obstacle)] 1.obstacle,impediment,a burden which causes delay,hindrance,delay DhA.I,18; II,91 (kathā°).°ṁ karoti to delay,to tarry J.IV,145; °ṁ akatvā without delay J.I,260; VI,392.-- ati° too great a delay J.I,64; II,92.-- 2.illusion,obsession,hindrance to spiritual progress M.I,65; S.I,100; IV,52,71; A.II,161 sq.; III,393 sq.; Sn.530 (=taṇhā-diṭṭhi-mānabheda-p.SnA 431; and generally in Commentaries so resolved,without verbal analysis); Ud.77 (as f.papañcā); Th.1,519,902,989 (cp.Brethren 344,345 & J.R.A.S.1906,246 sq.; Neumann trsls “Sonderheit,” see Lieder p.210,211 & Mittlere Sammlung I.119 in trsl.of M.I,65 nippapañca); Dh.195,254 (°âbhiratā pajā,nippapañcā Tathāgatā; =taṇhādisu p° esu abhiratā DhA.III,378); J.I,9; Pv IV.134 (=taṇh’--ādi-p.PvA.230); Nett 37,38; SnA 495 (gihi).-- nippapañca (q.v.) without obsession.‹-› 3.diffuseness,copiousness SnA 40.
--saṅkhā sign or characteristic of obsession Sn.874 (cp.SnA 553; =taṇhā° diṭṭhi° and māna° Nd1 280),916 (=avijjādayo kilesā mūlaṁ SnA 562).--saññā (°saṅkhā) idea of obsession,idée fixe,illusion D.II,277 (cp.Dial II.312); M.I,109,112,271,383; S.IV,71.(Page 412)
Concise Pali-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera
papañca:[m.] an obstacle; impediment; delay; illusion; hindrance to spiritual progress.
Buddhist Dictionary by NYANATILOKA MAHATHERA
papañca:(Sanskrit prapañca):In doctrinal usage,it signifies the expansion,differentiation,'diffuseness' or 'manifoldness' of the world; and it may also refer to the 'phenomenal world' in general,and to the mental attitude of 'worldliness'.In A.IV,173,it is said:As far as the field of sixfold sense-impression extends,so far reaches the world of diffuseness (or the phenomenal world; papañcassa gati); as far as the world of diffuseness extends,so far extends the field of sixfold sense-impression.Through the complete fading away and cessation of the field of sixfold sense-impression,there comes about the cessation and the coming-to-rest of the world of diffuseness (papañca-nirodho papañca-vupasamo)." The opposite term nippapañca is a name for Nibbāna (S.LIII),in the sense of 'freedom from samsaric diffuseness'.- Dhp.254:Mankind delights in the diffuseness of the world,the Perfect Ones are free from such diffuseness" (papañcābhiratā pajā,nippapañca tathāgatā).- The 8th of the 'thoughts of a great man' (mahā-purisa-vitakka; A.VIII,30) has:This Dhamma is for one who delights in non-diffuseness (the unworldly,Nibbāna); it is not for him who delights in worldliness (papañca)." - For the psychological sense of 'differentiation',see M.18 (Madhupiṇḍika Sutta):Whatever man conceives (vitakketi) that he differentiates (papañceti); and what he differentiates,by reason thereof ideas and considerations of differentiation (Papañca-saññā-saṅkhā) arise in him." On this text and the term papañca,see Dr.Kurt Schmidt in German Buddhist Writers (WHEEL 74/75) p.61ff.- See D.21 (Sakka's Quest; WHEEL 10,p.
In the commentaries,we often find a threefold classification taṇhā-,diṭṭhi-,māna-papañca,which probably means the world's diffuseness created hy craving,false views and conceit.- See M.123; A.IV,173; A.VI,14,Sn.530,874,916.
Ñāṇananda Bhikkhu,in Concept and Reality:An Essay on Papañca and Papañca-saññā-saṅkhā (Kandy 1971,Buddhist Publication Society),suggests that the term refers to man's "tendency towards proliferation in the realm of concepts" and proposes a rendering by "conceptual proliferation," which appears convincing in psychological context,e.g.in two of the texts quoted above,A.IV,173 and M.18.- The threefold classification of papañca,by way of craving,false views and conceit,is explained by the author as three aspects,or instances,of the foremost of delusive conceptualisations,the ego-concept.