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Kết quả tìm cho từ Phusati
Pali Viet Dictionary - Bản dịch của ngài Bửu Chơn
PHUSATI:(phus+a) đụng chạm,rờ đến nơi,đắc đạo [aor] --phusi [prp] phusanta,--māna [pp] phusita,phuṭṭha [abs] --phusitvā
PTS Pali-English dictionary - The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary
Phusati,2 this is a specific Pali form and represents two Sk.roots,which are closely related to each other and go back to the foll.2 Idg.roots:1.Idg.*sp(h)ṛj,burst out,burst (forth),spring,sprinkle,as in Sk.sphūrjati burst forth,parjanya rain cloud; Gr.sfaragέw; Ags.spearca=E.spark,E.spring,sprinkle.This is an enlargement of sphur (cp.pharati,phuṭṭha,phuta).‹-› 2.Idg.*spṛk to sprinkle,speckle,as in Sk.pruṣ,pṛśni speckled,pṛṣan,pṛṣatī spotted antelope,pṛṣata raindrop; Gr.perknόs of dark (lit.spotted) colour; Lat.spargere=Ger.sprenGen.To this root belong P.pasata,phoseti,paripphosaka,phussa,phusita.-- Inf.phusituṁ,conjectured reading at Vin.I,205 for T.phosituṁ (vv.ll.posituṁ & dhovituṁ),& Vin.II,151 for T.posituṁ; Vin.Texts III,169 translate “bespatter.” (Page 480)
PTS Pali-English dictionary - The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary
Phusati,1 [spṛś,fr.which sparśa=phassa; cp.also phassati] 1.(lit.) to touch Vism.463 (phusatī ti phasso); DA.I,61 (aor.phusī=metri causa for phusi); Miln.157 (grd.aphusa not to be touched).-- 2.(fig.) [see on this term of Buddhist ecstatic phraseology Cpd.1332.In this meaning it is very closely related to pharati,as appears e.g.from the foll.explns of Cys.:D.I,74 parippharati=samantato phusati DA.I,217; D.II,186 ≈ pharitvā=phusitvā ārammaṇaṁ katvā Vism.308] to attain,to reach,only in specific sense of attaining to the highest ideal of religious aspiration,in foll.phrases:ceto-samādhiṁ ph.D.I,13=III,30,108 etc.; nirodhaṁ D.I,184; samatha-samādhiṁ Vv 169 (reads āphusiṁ but should prob.be aphusiṁ as VvA.84,expld by adhigacchiṁ); phalaṁ aphussayi (aor.med.) Pv IV.188; cp.PvA.243; amataṁ padaṁ Pv IV.348; amataṁ Miln.338 (but T.reads khippaṁ phasseti a.); in bad sense kappaṭṭhitikaṁ kammaṁ Miln.108 (of Devadatta).-- pp.phuṭṭha.Cp.upa°.(Page 479)
Concise Pali-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera
phusati:[phus + a] touches; reaches; attaines.
Buddhist Dictionary of Pali Proper Names by G P Malalasekera
Phusatī:Daughter of the Madda king and chief queen of the Sivi king Sañjaya and mother ofVessantara.
She had been Sudhammā,daughter of Kikī,and was born in Tāvatimsa because of an offering of sandal wood made by her to Vipassī Buddha.When she left Tāvatimsa,Sakka gave her ten boons:
to be chief queen, to have dark eyes, dark eyebrows, to be named Phusatī, to have a son, to keep a slim figure, to have firm breasts, hair always dark, to have soft skin,and to save the condemned.She was called Phusatī because on the day of her birth her body smelt of sandal wood.
She was a previous birth of Mahāmāyā.J.iv.480 ff.,593; Cyp.i.9.