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Kết quả tìm cho từ Sudhamma
Buddhist Dictionary of Pali Proper Names by G P Malalasekera
Sudhamma:1.Sudhamma.The city of birth of Sobhita Buddha.Bu.vii.16; J.i.35.
2.Sudhamma. A king,father of Sobhita Buddha.Bu.vii.16.
3.Sudhamma. The park in which Sobhita Buddha was born and in which he preached his first sermon.Bu.vii.16.
4.Sudhamma. A park in Sudhammavatī City,where Sujāta Buddha held his first assembly of monks.BuA.169.
5.Sudhamma Thera. He lived in Macchikāsanda,in a monastery (the Ambātakārāma) provided by Citta.Citta used to invite Sudhamma to his house for meals.One day Sāriputta,at the head of several eminent monks,visited Macchikāsanda and stayed in the monastery.Citta heard Sāriputta preach (and became a sakadāgāmin,says DhA),and,at the end of the sermon,invited him and the monks to his house the next day.He also invited Sudhamma,but because he had been invited after the others,Sudhamma refused to go.Early the next day he visited Citta’s house to see what offerings had been prepared,and after seeing them,remarked that one thing was missing:sesame cakes (tilasangulikā).Then Citta rebuked him,comparing him to a crow,the offspring of a cock and a crow.Sudhamma left the house in anger,and going to Sāvatthi,reported the matter to the Buddha.The Buddha blamed Sudhamma and said that the Sangha should pass the patisārānīyakamma on him.Sudhamma,thereupon,went to Macchikāsanda to ask pardon of Citta,but Citta would not forgive him.The Buddha then gave him a companion,and together they went to Citta,and Sudhamma again asked pardon for his fault.Citta pardoned him and asked to be pardoned himself (Vin.i.15-20; cf.DhA.ii.74ff).Later Sudhamma became an arahant.AA.i.210.
Buddhist Dictionary of Pali Proper Names by G P Malalasekera
2.Sudhammā. The queen consort of Renu,king of Uttarapañcāla.See theSomanassa Jātaka.She is identified withMahāmāyā.J.i.453.
3.Sudhammā. One of the four wives ofMagha.When Magha and his companions were building a rest house for travellers,they did not wish women to have any share in the work.But Sudhammā bribed the carpenter,who made a pinnacle of seasoned wood for the building and laid it aside with the words:”Sudhammā nāma ayam sālā.” When the time for the erection of the pinnacle came,he told Magha and the others that it was impossible to make a pinnacle then,as it must be of well seasoned wood.A search was started for a seasoned pinnacle.Sudhammā agreed to give hers if she were allowed a share in the building.The men were at first unwilling,but in the end gave their consent.
After death,Sudhammā,was born in Tāvatimsa,and,because of her merit in the past,there came into being for her Sudhammā,the Moot Hall of the Devas,nine hundred leagues in extent (DhA.i.269f.,274f.; J.i.201f).There the Devas hold their meetings on the eighth day of each month,or when the Dhamma is preached,and also all their important festivals and gatherings (See,e.g.,D.ii.268; M.ii.79; S.i.221; J.vi.97,126; Thag.vs.1198).All Buddhas preach the Abhidhamma in the Sudhammā-hall.It is said (ThagA.ii.185) that every devaloka has a Sudhammā-sabhā; this title is often used in comparisons to denote a fine hall.
4.Sudhammā. The sixth daughter of Kiki,king of Benares.She is identified sometimes withMahāmāyā (E.g.,J.vi.481) and sometimes with Dhammadinnā.E.g.,Ap.ii.546,548; ThigA.104,114.
5.Sudhammā Therī. An arahant.She lived in the time of Kassapa Buddha.At the Buddha’s wish,she took a branch of the Bodhi tree with her and planted it in the Mahāsāgaruyyāna in Ceylon.Dpv.xvii.19f.; Mhv.xv.147f.
6.Sudhammā. A class of Devas belonging to the Tāvatimsa devanikāya.VvA.258.
7.Sudhammā.Mother of Sobhita Buddha.Bu.vii.16; J.i.35.
Pali-Dictionary Vipassana Research Institute
sudhammā:Name of Sakka's hall of justice
U Hau Sein’s Pāḷi-Myanmar Dictionary ပါဠိျမန္မာ အဘိဓာန္(ဦးဟုတ္စိန္)