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Kết quả tìm cho từ abbuda
Pali Viet Dictionary - Bản dịch của ngài Bửu Chơn
ABBUDA:[nt] cái bướu,tên thai bào sau hai tuần thọ thai; nguyên nhân sự tan rã; tên của một nơi để tẩy sạch tội
PTS Pali-English dictionary - The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary
Abbuda,(nt.) [etym. unknown,orig. meaning “swelling”,the Sk. form arbuda seems to be a trsl. of P. abbuda] 1. the foetus in the 1st & 2nd months after conception,the 2nd of the five prenatal stages of development,viz. kalala,abbuda,pesi,ghana,pasākha Nd1 120; Miln.40; Vism.236. -- 2. a tumour,canker,sore Vin.III,294,307 (only in Samantapāsādikā; both times as sāsanassa a). -- 3. a very high numeral,appld. exclusively to the denotation of a vast period of suffering in Purgatory; in this sense used as adj. of Niraya (abbudo nirayo the “vast-period” hell,cp. nirabbuda). S.I,149 = A.II,3 (chattiṁsati pañca ca abbudāni); S.I,152 = A.V,173 = Sn.p. 126 (cp. SnA 476:abbudo nāma koci pacceka-nirayo n’atthi,Avīcimhi yeva abbuda-gaṇanāya paccanokāso pana abbudo nirayo ti vutto; see also Kindred Sayings p. 190); J.III,360 (sataṁ ninnahuta-sahassānaṁ ekaṁ abbudaṁ). -- 4. a term used for “hell” in the riddle S.I,43 (kiṁsu lokasmiṁ abhudaṁ “who are they who make a hell on earth” Mrs. Rh. D. The answer is “thieves”; so we can scarcely take it in meaning of 2 or 3. The C. has vināsa-karaṇaṁ. (Page 58)
Concise Pali-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera