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Kết quả tìm cho từ anupiya
PTS Pali-English dictionary - The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary
Anupiya,(anuppiya) (adj) [anu + piya] flattering,plessant,nt. pleasantness,flattery,in °bhāṇin one who flatters I) III,185; J.II,390; V,360; and °bhāṇitar id. Vbh.352. (Page 39)
Concise Pali-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera
anupiya:anuppiya n. [anu-piya] 甘言,阿諛,奉承(逢迎,巴結). -bhāṇin,-bhāṇitar 甘言者,阿諛者.
Buddhist Dictionary of Pali Proper Names by G P Malalasekera
Anupiya:A township in the Malla country to the east ofKapilavatthu. In the mango grove there (the Anupiya-ambavana) the Buddha,having arrived fromAnomā and having ordained himself,spent the first week after his renunciation,before going to Rājagaha,thirty leagues away (J.i.65-6).
He went there again after his return from Kapilavatthu,whither he had gone to see his relations,and large numbers of Sākiyan princes joined the Order,including Bhaddiya,Anuruddha,Ananda,Bhagu,Kimbila,Devadatta and their barber,Upāli (Vin.ii.180f.; AA.i.108; DhA.i.133; iv.127).
It was during this stay that the Buddha preached theSukhavihāri Jātaka (J.i.140). From Anupiya the Buddha went to Kosambi (Vin.ii.184). Near Anupiya was the pleasance where the Paribbājaka of the Bhaggavagotta lived. The Buddha visited him once while staying at Anupiya and it was then that he preached the Pātika Sutta (D.iii.1ff).
Anupiya was the birthplace of Dabba Mallaputta. ThagA.i.41; the Ap.,however,saysKusinārā (ii.473).
Once when Sona Potiriyaputta was meditating the Buddha sent forth a ray of glory from the mango grove to encourage him (ThagA.i.316).
The mango grove belonged to the Malla-rājās; they built a vihāra therein for the Buddha’s residence (UdA.161; DA.iii.816).
The name is sometimes spelt Anopiya and Anūpiya (J.i.140). See alsoAnomā.