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Kết quả tìm cho từ avyākata
Pali Viet Dictionary - Bản dịch của ngài Bửu Chơn
AVYĀKATA:[a] bất định,không chỉ rõ
Concise Pali-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera
avyākata:[adj.] not designated.
Buddhist Dictionary by NYANATILOKA MAHATHERA
avyākata:This term in the sense of 'amoral' or 'kammically neutral',does not occur in the old sutta texts,while it is found in Pts.M.(e.g.I,79ff).It plays an important role in the Abh.Canon (e.g.Dhs.) and the philosophical commentaries.
Buddhist Dictionary by NYANATILOKA MAHATHERA
avyākata:lit.'indeterminate' - i.e.neither determined as kammically 'wholesome' nor as 'unwholesome' - are the kammically neutral,i.e.amoral,states of consciousness and mental factors.They are either mere kamma-results (vipāka,q.v.),as e.g.all the sense perceptions and the mental factors associated therewith,or they are kammically independent functions (kiriya-citta,q.v.),i.e.neither karmic nor kamma-resultant.See Tab.I.(App.).
Avyākata,(=abyākata)(‹ pp.of a-vyākaroti)﹐【形】不解说的,无法断言的,无记的。DhsA.p.261.︰catubbidhaṁ abyākataṁ--vipākaṁ kiriyaṁ rūpaṁ nibbānanti.(四种无记︰果报、唯作、色、涅盘。) AA.7.51./IV,38.︰abyākatavatthūsūti ekaṁsādivasena akathitavatthūsu(无记事︰不可论究而明确之事。)十四无记:梵caturdawāvyākrta,乃十四种之不记答(avyākata无记,无法断言),为佛四记答中之舍置记答。巴利文经典只有十无记,缺三、四、七、八。十四种,即:(一)世间常,sassato loko;this world is eternal.(二)世间无常,asassata loko;this world is not eternal.(三)世间亦常亦无常,(梵 wāwvataw cāwāwvataw ca;this world is both eternal and not eternal)(四)世间非常非无常,(梵 naiva wāwvato nāwāwvataw ca;this world is neither eternal nor not eternal)(五)世间有边,antavā loko;this world is finite.(六)世间无边,anantavā loko;this world is infinite.(七)世间亦有边亦无边,(梵 antavāṁw cānantavāṁw ca;this world is both finite and infinite )(八)世间非有边非无边,(梵 naivāntavāṁ nānantavāṁ;this world is neither finite nor infinite.)(九)如来死后有,hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā;after death a tathāgata exists.(‘如来’在此指‘有情’(satto),cf.(AA.7.51./IV,37.))(十)如来死后无,na hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā;after death a tathāgata does not exist.(十一)如来死后亦有亦非有,hoti ca na ca hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā;after death a tathāgata both exists and does not exist.(十二)如来死后非有非非有,neva hoti na na hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā;after death a tathāgata neither exists nor does not exist.(十三)命身一(命即身),taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīraṁ;the soul and the body are the same.(十四)命身异(命身异),aṅṅaṁ jīvaṁ aṅṅaṁ sarīraṁ;the soul is one thing and the body another.「世间常」等十四无记,「无记」(avyākata,无法断言),前十二句问「有、无」,后二问「一、异」。此类问题佛陀一概不答。原因有三:(一)虚妄无实。(二)诸法既非「有常」,亦非「断灭」。(三)无益之戏论。巴利三藏讲「十无记」,没有3世间常无常,4世间非常非无常,7世有边无边,8世非有边非无边。另参考《箭喻经》(T1.804上~)