85 (1) A Bhikkhu

“Bhikkhus, it is through the breaking of seven things that one is a bhikkhu. What seven? Personal-existence view is broken; doubt is broken; wrong grasp of behavior and observances is broken; lust is broken; hatred is broken; delusion is broken; conceit is broken. It is through the breaking of these seven things that one is a bhikkhu.”

86 (2) An Ascetic

“Bhikkhus, it is through the pacifying of seven things that one is an ascetic. ”

87 (3) A Brahmin

“Bhikkhus, it is through the expulsion [of seven things] that one is a brahmin. ”

88 (4) A Scholar

“Bhikkhus, it is because of the streaming away [of seven things] that one is a scholar. ”

89 (5) Washed

“Bhikkhus, it is because of the washing away [of seven things] that one is washed. ”

90 (6) A Master of Vedic Knowledge

“Bhikkhus, it is because one has the knowledge [of seven things] that one is a master of Vedic knowledge. ”

91 (7) A Noble One

“Bhikkhus, it is through the foe-slaying [of seven things] that one is a noble one. ”

92 (8) An Arahant

“Bhikkhus, it is through the remoteness [of seven things] that one is an arahant. What seven? Personal-existence view is remote; doubt is remote; wrong grasp of behavior and observances is remote; lust is remote; hatred is remote; delusion is remote; conceit is remote. It is through the remoteness of these seven things that one is an arahant.”

93 (9) Character (1)

“Bhikkhus, there are these seven who are not of good character. What seven? One without faith, one without a sense of moral shame, one without moral dread, one of little learning, one who is lazy, one who is muddle-minded, and one who is unwise. These are the seven who are not of good character.”

94 (10) Character (2)

“Bhikkhus, there are these seven who are of good character. What seven? One endowed with faith, one with a sense of moral shame, one with moral dread, one who is learned, one who is energetic, one who is mindful, and one who is wise. These are the seven who are of good character.”